Imagine for Beccajo01

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Beccas Pov

Groaning, I sit up and grab a tissue to wipe my nose. I hate it. I absolutely hate it! I can live with a sore throat. And I can live with a headache because you can swallow some pain relivers and then it stops - at least for a while. But what I can't live with is a running nose. Especially when your nose can't decide if it want to run like a faucet or to be blocked so that you have trouble to breath. I flop back in my pillows sighing and hoping that this cold just ends. It's almost a week now since it started and I don't seem to get better. But to be honest I'm dreading to go to the doctors. And until now my mother didn't say anything about it and I'm not going to change that. I snuggle deeper in my fluffy blanket searching for comfort and soon I drift into a light slumber.
"Becca? Wake up, honey. We have to go."
"Hm?," I ask not entirely awake yet and just confused about the fact that we have to go somewhere. I mean I'm sick. There is no way that I'm going anywhere. "You have an appointment in half an hour. C'mon, honey, wake up!," my mum says. "I'm up, I'm up!," I yawn until I realize what my mum just said. "Wait what?! Appointment? You are kidding right?" I beg practically but mum looks at me with stern eyes. "I'm not. And now get ready. Otherwise you have to go in your pjs." Then she leaves my room.
"But mum!"
"No but's this time! You have 10 minutes!" she shouts from the kitchen. I sit there in disbelief thinking of a way to go out of this. Okay, plan B then. I dress myself as fast as I can then I put some make up on to hide the dark circles under my eyes and my pale skin. When I'm finished I go downstaires, a bright smile on my face. "Mum?"
"Are you ready?"
"Yeah, but I just wanted to say that there is no need to go. I'm totally fine. See?" I lie to her trying to act normal. She looks at me and furrow her brows. "You are? Fine, then why are you wearing your thick jumper when it has nearly 20 degree outside?" Shit. She smiles at me and says "Nice try. Now get in the car."
"Now!," she interrupts me getting the keys. I sigh and follow her a bit grumpy outside and get in the car.

The drive was - to say the least- very unpleasant. We had to stop twice because of my sick stomach and let me tell you it was just disgusting... and tiering, which is why I'm now really exhausted although I slept at home half an hour ago. Nevertheless we arrive at the clinic, too soon for my liking. "Let's go," my mum says as soon as she parks the car. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves down, then I follow my mum inside. The typical sterile clinic smell greets me when I step in front of the reception. "Hello, how can I help you?," the receptionist asks friendly. I stare blankly at her until I feel a slight push in my back. Mum! I shoot an angry look at her but all she nods only encouragingly. Clearing my throat first, I murmur quietly "I... I have an appointment."
"Your name?"
"Ah, I see. Yes, Dr. Styles has a patient right now but as soon as he is finished he'll call you back okay? Just sit in the waiting room. It shouldn't be too long." While she speaks she points to a door at her left. I nod then I go in the waiting room and sit down. My mum follows me. "Honey, listen. I am sorry but I need to go. My boss called and it seems to be urgent. I pick you up when I'm back, okay?" She can't be serious! First she drags me to the doctors -against my will! - and then she leaves?! She doesn't wait for an answer instead she gives me a kiss and mumbles "See you later!" The last thing I see of her is a wave. And then she's gone and I have to wait. And that's the part of a doctors appointment I'm dreading the most! There is nothing you can do exept reading old magazines. And with every passing minute my nerves are getting worse. Anxiously I watch all the other patients which look a lot more worse than I am feeling. Considering that I am in a much better condition, I decide to be the nice girl I am and leave so that the others don't have to wait too long. And with that I stand up and go to the door only to run straight into a tall curly haired doctor. "Oh, I am sorry!," I say and smile at him while searching for a way to escape. "No problem," he answers and adds "Are you Becca?" I gulp and reply with a quivering voice "Yeah, but I have to leave now..."
"Wait! You are already here, don't you think we should just go on? I'm Harry by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Harry, but I can't." I'm about to pass him when he grabs my arm. "Why can't you, Becca? Tell me." His calming and understanding voice breaks my walls down and I begin to sob loudly. Worry is written on his face while kneeling down to my level. "Hey, Becca, shh, calm down. What's wrong?"
"I'm scared." Without hesitation he embraces me in a hug. "Listen, Becca. None of us here is going to hurt you and we'll help you through this appointment okay? And I explain everything to you before I do it, okay?" I nod hesitantly but let him lead me into an exam room. Then he asks "Okay, Becca. Why are you here?"
I take a deep breath and say "My... my head hurts and my nose is all stuffed up. And I have a sore throat. And I think I possibly have a fever..." he nods.
"For sure, you are running a temperature. I felt it when I hugged you. We only have to check how high it is. Are you ready?" I don't answers and Harry suggests "If you like I could call a friend of mine in. Then he can comfort you while I examine you." Another doctor? But there is a slight possibility that he is as nice and caring as Harry. And to be honest, I need comfort. I may be 14 years old but it freaks me out that I'm completely helpless. I can't do anything and have to trust strangers and I'm not very good in trusting people... so I nod and Harry calls his friend. A few minutes later a blonde doctor enters the exam room, a bright smile on his face. "Hi Harry! And hi Becca! I'm Niall," he introduces himself. I give him a weak smile. He seems to be nice but I'm still scared of the exam. As if he can read my mind Niall sits down next to me and take my hand in his. "Harry is a great doctor. He will go nice and slowly. And you will see we are finished in no time. Promise," he assures me. I look into his crystal blue eyes, searching for lies but it seems like he said the truth. "Okay, Becca, you have a 38.5 fever," Harry states, scibbling something in my file. Wait when did he start? My confusion seems to be obvious because Niall begins to chuckle. "See? I told you so." And for the first time since I am here I smile. "That's the smile we wanna see," Harry says warmly while taking my blood pressure. Then he grabs a light and a tongue depressor and asks "Can you open your mouth please?" I obey and open it a little bit. "A bit wider maybe?" Again I do what he asks for. Harry inserts the tongue depressor and takes a look. Then he says "Ni, can you pass me a swab test, please?"
"Sure, mate." I start to get nervous again but I try to control my nerves. "Okay, Becca, I have to swab your throat to make sure if you have strep or not," he explains after Niall passed him the test. "Open as wide as you can, yeah?" I send Niall a look, begging for comfort and he grabs my hand again squeezing it a little bit. I start to cough after Harry did the swab test but Niall calms me down. Soon I stop and Harry listen to my lungs and my heart. "So your lungs sound a bit congested. Therefore I prescribe you antibiotics, which help also with your fever. Take them every morning and evening, okay?" I nod and he continues "Did you throw up in the last, let's say, 12 hours?" I blush when I remember the previous events. "Yes, I did. But I think it was just car sickness..." I say a bit embarrassed. "No need to be embarrassed, Becca," Niall interferes. "Niall's right. But I think we should check out if it was just car sickness or if there's more. Can you lay down, please?" I hesitate but lay down after a few encouraging words from Niall. The sudden ring of a phone interrupts us. Harry takes his mobile out of his pocket, glances down at it and looks at Niall "Niall, could you...?"
"Of course."
"Thanks, mate!" Then he leaves the room and Niall smiles at me "May I?" "Go ahead." He starts pressing gently on my stomach. "Do you feel pain somewhere?," he asks. I shake my head no. "Good," Niall replies then he skims through my file. "Okay, Becca. Seems like you have strep and a mild case of the flu. Nothing too concerning. Just rest, take it easy for a while, and take the antibiotics Harry prescribed you, yeah?" Nodding, I stand up. "Thank you, Niall. For everything!"
"No problem, Becca. Get well soon!" I wave at him as I leave the room. Well, that wasn't as bad as I thought...

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