Imagine for Cassie

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"It is beautiful, don't you think so?," I ask my boyfriend beside me. Instead of watching the sunset he looks at me, smiling widely and answers "Yeah, it is." I laugh, hitting him playfully. "Don't be so cheesy!"
"I'm just telling the truth."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Our lips meet halfway between us and I feel him smile into the kiss. I can't describe how happy I am, how lucky I am to have him. It's just so ironic how we met, because this was everything but perfect...

a few month before

"Shit, shit, shit!," I curse loudly. Blood is triping onto the floor in my kitchen as I try to get some tissues to stop the bleeding. I tried to cook  - keyword tried, because I can't cook even if my life depends on it... Instead of cutting the vegetables I cut my hand and it won't stoop bleeding. I know I should probably go to a doctor so that he can stitch it up but I hate doctors with a burning passion. So I go into my bathroom and get the first aid kit to wrap some bandage arround my hand. I mean wether I do it or one of my enemies doesn't matter, right? Thinking of what else could go wrong if I keep cooking I decide to stop it for now. Besides, I'm not that hungry anymore. So I get myself some crisps and a few pain killers before turning on the TV. But instead of watching I close my eyes and drift into a deep slumber...

The annoying sound of my phone wakes me up the next morning. Groaning I open my eyes but shut them immediatly when the bright morning light makes my head throb. Oh what a wonderful way to start the day. Glancing at the display of my phone, I see a missed call from my friend Chris. Deciding to ignoring it, I slowly get up to find some more painkillers for my headache and my aching hand, which is now nearly twice the size of what it was yesterday. To be honest, it worries me but I was always good at ignoring unpleasant things. Taking my mind of it by swallowing two pills and searching for something to eat, I grab an apple and return on my spot on the couch to watch some more TV and rest. Maybe the headache will subside so that I can at least tidy up my appartment. But, of course, it doesn't. Quite the opposite actually, it gets worse. With each hour that passes I feel progressively worse. Chills run down my spine although I feel really hot and nightmares keep me awake as soon as I try to catch some sleep. It is now nearly 11 pm when I decide that I can't take it anymore. My head throbs, my hand is swollen, I'm pretty sure that I have a fever and I feel achy all over. With tears in my eyes I get in my car and make my way to the nearest hospital, hoping and praying that I don't lose consciousness while I drive. Thank god, I arrive a few minutes later at the clinic. I feel weak when I park my car near the emergency entrance and stumble more than I walk into the emergency room. Nearly immediatly a young and quite handsome docter notices me.

"Miss? What's wrong?" His dark eyes are full of worry when he sees the state I am in. Black dots swarm my vision and I start to sway.

"I... Help," I whisper before I collapse gracefully (or at least I hope so) into his strong arms.

Liams pov

Quickly I catch her falling body and lay her on the floor. "I need a stretcher! Hurry!," I shout over my shoulder while I check the girls pulse. It is racing and I literally feel the heat radiating from her. Two nurses arrive with the strechter and I lift her lifeless body up and onto it. "Exam 3," I say and we rush as fast as we can with her to the room. As soon as we are there I put without hesitation an oxygen mask on her and tell one of the nurses to give her an IV. Then I notice her swollen hand messily wrapped with a bloody gauze. My blood turn into ice as I connect the pieces. Carefully I unwrap her hand, just to find an infected cut. I curse silently. This is bad. "Give her amoxicillin! She has a sepsis!" I grab a thermometre and place it in her ear, waiting impatiently for the beep. Finally it makes a sound and my eyes widen at the number. 39,7! "Add 5 milligramme metamizol! We need to get her fever down. And order an op! I need to clean her wound!" Within 20 minutes I am scrubed up and the girl is in the operating room. Taking a deep breath I concentrate. "Scalpel," I say, taking the sharp tool from a nurse an cut into my patients hand....

An hour later I finish the last few stitches on her hand. I sigh relieved. Now all we can do is wait and hope that the antibotica take an effect. "Take her to the ICU. And inform me when she wakes up." I take a last glance at her beautiful features then I turn arround and leave to change. I wonder how she was able to get here on her own in this condition. She must be a strong girl. Which could be helpful because not everybody survives a sepsis that is in such an advanced state. I sigh, hoping that she is strong enough to fight the infection. Then I return to my work.

Cassies pov

An annoying beeping sound wakes me up. I groan, hoping that it will just stop. I feel like I was hit by a train but not as bad as I felt before. Slowly I open my eyes, scanning my surroundings. "Welcome back to the living," a voice besides me says suddenly. I flinch and turn arround quickly only to feel dizzy. "Careful, love!," the person next to me says warmly while warm fingers grabbing my wrist and taking my pulse. When my vision clears I muster the man. It is the handsome doctor who catched me. "Better?," he asks and I nod. "What happend?," I ask slowly.  "You had a sepsis or better known as blood poisoning. You are lucky that you are alive. The cut on your hand got infected, which caused the sepsis." My eyes widen as soon as I hear in what a serious and life threatening condition I was. "But don't worry. You are going to be healthy again," He continues. "By the way, I'm Dr. Payne." I can't help it, I just start to laugh. "Seriously? Payne like pain? Well, that is ironic!" He rolles his eyes at my comment. "I'm glad you have fun but you are clearly not the first one who tells me that."

"I'm sorry but you have to admit that it is funny."

He grins and says "You know what? Call me Liam." I smile widely and answer "Nice to meet you, Liam. I'm Cassie."

Back to present

"What are you thinking?"

I smile and say "Just how we met, Dr. Payne." He laughs silently, then he replies: "I never thought that I would say this but I' glad that you cut yourself."

I laugh loudly at his comment and lean in for a kiss. When our lips are nearly touching he adds: "But please, do me a favour and do that never again. Promise?"

"Promise," I whisper back and kiss him while the last rays of the sun disappear behind the horizon....

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