I drew Brendon Urie!

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This took me almost 6 hours but was actually really fun to draw. I feel like his lips are a little messed up. I was supposed to be writing an essay for English but I was on a roll. 😉 I'm trying to work on drawing people more.
Random story: My friend and I who are both obsessed with the same music
introduced my other friend (who usually listens to just pop and Country *gag*) to Panic! At the Disco for the first time at lunch and she LOVED it! My first friend and I fist bumped then started singing This is Gospel at the top of our lungs and dancing like crazy. Everyone was looking at us like we were insane. 😊😄 We decided that we need to introduce her to My Chemical Romance next. 😘😍
This chapter is dedicated to Frank Iero

Marvel-ous Art ( and randomness )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt