
22 0 0

"James hurry the fuck up!" I said as I pounded on the bathroom door for what seemed like the billionth time before trudging back to my room.

I eyed the fluff ball asleep on my bed and tiptoed over to my wardrobe. After picking out my usual attire which consists of a lot of black I turned my attention to my alarm clock on my bedside table and I groaned again, storming back to the bathroom door.

"James, if you do not hurry up I'll show mum your lovely stash of magazines under your bed!" I shouted through the door, pounding on it again.

The lock clicked and he opened up the door, glaring at me. "How did you know about those?"

I laughed. "I didn't but now I do," I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out of the bathroom. "Thank you and goodbye." I said, locking the door.

After quickly showering I chucked my clothes on and attempted to make something of my hair. I looked back at my bed and saw Cloudy stretching. I sighed and tiptoed across my room again towards my door. "I can still hear you y'know."

I rolled my eyes and turned around seeing the fluff ball perched up on the bed. "I'd rather not deal with your sarcastic comments at the moment."

"Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed."

I sighed, looking at my bed that is pushed up against the wall. "My bed literally only has one side to get out from."

A small chuckle came from the arsewipe. "Have a good day at college."

"Have a good day licking yourself." I retorted, leaving the room and bouncing down the stairs.

I walked in the kitchen and saw James having his tie done up by our  mum. "Really?" I scoffed. "You're thirteen and still can't do your tie by yourself."

He rolled his eyes. "Shut your mouth."

I mussed his hair and he swatted my hand away. "Do you have to?"

I opened the fridge and took the orange juice out and proceeded in pouring a glass. "Yes, yes I do." I said, taking a gulp of juice.

I heard the two beeps and walked out of the kitchen, picking my bag up from the floor and slipping my feet into my boots. I shut the front door behind me and walked down to the path where Jack persisted on beeping the horn with every step I took until I reached the car.

Fastening my seatbelt, I turned to look at him. "Really?"

He grinned and hit the steering wheel. "Hell yeah!"

I was taken back at his extremely positive attitude for a cold Tuesday morning. "Did you get some action last night or what?"

He checked his wing mirror before pulling out and giving me a side glance. "No. I'm happy because, well just because."

I turned my attention back to the front and smiled. "Odd boy."

We sat in a comfortable silence before having to pick up Deone. 

He frowned. "Why is she always in the front in the morning?"

I turned around, looking at him in the back. "Because I live closest to him therefore he picks me up first therefore I sit in the front." 

"Still unfair." He sulked.

"Move closer to Jack then."

"Please don't." Jack piped up, looking at Deone in the rearview mirror.

I turned around, sticking my tongue out at him. He put his cap on backwards and slouched down. "You're all horrible to me, like swear down mans will get vexed, you get me?"

Jack and I exchanged glances and burst into hysterics. "Shut up." I laughed.

He clicked his tongue and sulked. "Mans getting rude fam."

I looked at Jack and rolled my eyes. We pulled up infront of Saara's house and beeped twice making my heart sink a little. After picking Saara and Thomas up we made our way to college.

I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car, stretching then pulling my bag onto my shoulder. "I'm off to art, I'll see you all later."

Jack slung his bag over his shoulder and stood closer to me as he was in the same class. "We'll meet you in the panini cafe because I'm in desperate need of a chicken tikka panini right now." Jack said to the others.

I nod, adding a laugh. "I second that, bye guys." The rest of the group said their byes and went in different directions, I walked closely next to Jack as we made our way into the art department.

We sat on our very uncomfortable stools in our art room as we waited for the teacher.


I turned to face the blonde boy next to me, "Yes?"

He sniffed and breathed out and started scratching the back of his neck. "What are you doing on Saturday?"

My heart lept. "Nothing as far as I'm aware, why?" 

"Would you like to go out? Like with me? Without the rest of the group but only if you want to." He rambled out of nervousness as he rubbed his face with the palm of his hand.

I smiled, trying to contain the excitement. "Yeah that'll be nice."

He smiles and looks down and I turn my attention back to the front of the classroom, biting my bottom lip to suppress a grin as more students start to flood in through the doors.


hey wassup hello.

I know it's been like 4 months and I'm a crappy person for that haha but this is only a filler because I missed writing and wanted to quickly post something.

oh and shoutout to the classic chav lingo I have going on, throwback to 2011 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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