Bonus Chapter 1: Afi and Plagg

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A/N: Death is mentioned in Afi's past so be warned. Also new chapter coming soon so stay tuned!

"Another Kwami!?" Afi cries, diving onto the desk. The party was raging below the two of them.  "It's been so long since-" She grabbed his shoulders and turned him around, taking his attention off of the game on the phone. "Plagg." She says, snapping her paws off of his shoulders. 

"Hey Afi, it's been so long." He says casually, placing his paws between his legs as he stared at her. "You haven't changed a bit." 

"Obviously not." She says snidely, settling down and curling her tail around herself. Stroking her tail she stares at the blank table in between the two of them. 

"You haven't been around for a good three centuries." He says turning the phone off. 

"I have." She says quickly "I just have been avoiding where you and Tikki have been appearing." He watches her blank expression, before smirking. 

"How has that turned out for you?" Afi stares at him with burning golden eyes. 

"It-" she starts, but Plagg interrupts her. 

"You can rarely find a miraculous holder huh?" He flies over and places a paw under her jaw. "I don't understand why you've been avoiding us. The true holders always end up working together eventually." He flicks her nose before taking his paw back. "I've missed fighting along side you. I haven't seen Tikki since the 1950's, you know how it is can't exactly meet up when you have secret idenities to up hold, but I'm sure she's missed you too." 

"You know exactly why I've been avoiding you and your miraculous holders Plagg." She mutters darkly, glaring at the black cat. "And Tikki..." Afi looks at her paws, feeling a little pang of sadness resonate through her. "She hasn't wanted to see me since what happened in Rome." 

"Oh...right...that..." He says his eyes drifting to the past as he thinks about it. "She was pretty upset." 

"That's..." Her chest contracts with guilt and she squeezes her eyes shut trying not to think about it. "Pretty upset is an understatement." 

"But I still have no idea what you mean, I don't know why you've been avoiding me." Flying over him her tail puffs up as she bares her teeth at him. 

"Every holder Plagg! Nearly every one of my girls has given themselves up for you and your holder!" She snarled each word, her gaze wasn't in the present. "Don't you remember Selem?! That was it for me! I swore that Vertie would be the last girl who would get themselves killed so you could live!" This was the first sign of emotion Plagg had shown other than indifference. His eyes grew dark and though he didn't show much else in his face like Afi did, he looked like he was boiling over with anger. "She was hung Plagg. I was around her neck when it snapped!" Her voice cracks with emotion as she screams the last words. Huffing she looks in his green eyes. 

"That has never been my fault Afi." He put some distance between the two of them, before sitting back down. "Your holders are always attracted to mine. I don't know why, and trust me I've tried in the past to tell my holders not to get involved with other holders unless it was fighting baddies. It's never helped, so now I let things happen as they will. Very few humans will listen to logic when it comes to love. You know this, I'm sure you've told them not to like Chat haven't you?" Her fur was standing on end, she glared at him with all that she was. But really he was right, she had done everything she could in the past to keep her holders away from Chat Noir. It's never worked..."That's what I thought." Plagg says sarcastically. 

"I don't ever want you to talk to me like that Cat." She spat the last word like an insult. "Do you even remember your holders names!? Because I remember every single one! Every girl and I've loved every one! Not that-" 

"I'm going to stop you there Afi." Plagg says with a deep breath. "Don't think I don't remember my holders. I remember them all too, and I've cared about them all. You aren't the only one who's lost them." Afi's eyes filled with tears and she started shaking her head. 

"No! No! It's not the same! It isn't fair!" She says, sounding like a toddler "How many of your holders have died for no reason!? From giving themselves up for Red Fox or Ladybug!?" His ears went down and his gaze averted from her intense stare. "16!" She screams "All these centuries later, after how long we've been alive and doing this. Only 16...." Her voice wavers and the anger falls out of it. Tears fall and hit the desk, creating small puddles. "Plagg all my girls leave me...I've rarely had them retire...seen them get their own families and pass peacefully like you have..." He flies over and pats her back. 

"I'm sorry Afi. Really I am." Plagg was hesitant with his words, he wasn't good with this stuff. "I know it hasn't been great for your holders. But...aren't you still happy you met them? All those girls seemed great." 

"They..." Afi wiped away her tears, sniffling as she does. "They were more then great." She says, strength coming back into her voice. 

"Yeah. All of my holders have been awesome too." He says looking around the room. 

"So...your holder is attending the party?" She asks giving him a side stare. He scoffs

"Afi I will not tell you his secret idenity. Not unless you tell me yours." He tried to play it cool, he thought she had already figured out Adrien was Chat. 

"Not a chance." She says looking away. "I don't want him to figure out who she is." 'he already flirts with her enough as it is...' she adds in her head

"Then there you go, I'm not telling if you don't tell." Plagg says with a releived chuckle. "But really. It's awesome to see you again." Afi smiles at him and punches his shoulder. 

"Right back at you kitty cat." They laugh together, it'd been so long since either of them had seen another one of the Kwami. 

"I have no idea how we did it back in the day." Plagg says breaking the silence and turning back to the phone. "I'm so bored whenever I don't have his phone to play with." 

"It wasn't all bad. Remember when we'd..?" The pair of them talked about the past as they pulled up an air hockey app. Lying it flat on the table they played against each other, their stories eventually inturupted by the sound of footsteps. The two of them looked at the door at the same time. Flying into hiding Afi watched Adrien bring (Y/N) into the large room. She eyed the two of you sucpiciously, watching you go into the bathroom and close the door. 

"He better not do anything funny..." Afi mutters under her breath. Flying back into sight Plagg did the same. "Listen Plagg, it's been great to see you and catch up but I should go find my gal." 

"Oh yeah, uh, same here." He says as nonchantley as possible. They hug tightly and Afi flies out of the room and hides in a vase of flowers, waiting for (Y/N) to come out of the room. A little while later you stumble out and she flies towards you. 

"Ah, Afi Hi." You say to her and she looks you up and down quickly. No hickeys, or clothing out of place. Good. If he had touched you in anyway you didn't want she'd make sure he had no fingers. Smiling she smells the alchohal on your breath. 

"Hi." She says her tail swishing back and forth "Your breath smells like alcohol." 

"Shhhh." You say happily and Afi giggles. 

"Let's go home." Afi says, flying onto your shoulder.

Miraculous Paris Life (Chat Noir x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora