Laughing Jill

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  Let me tell you a story, not a bedtime story but a genuine story. This is the story of Laughing Jill and Mary and every word is true.

Mary was a lonely child, that was an understatement for a city child. Even the rich children had a lot of friends. But Mary was an outcast, she had never had a true friend before. Maybe it was because her dad was a entrepreneur and designed most of the industry for 19th century Glasgow, Scotland. Her dad was crazy, another understatement. He had a habit for starting projects at random times in the day and staying up for days on end to finish them before scrapping them to start another one.Mary was a quiet girl, at the school she went to, she was a high achiever due to her parents high expectations, so she was made to study as much as possible. She didn't always want to study, she wanted to play, get dirty, laugh... anything like a normal child.One christmas she was showered with expensive presents as usual but she didn't want another Pony to add to her five already or another expensive dress, she wanted something simple like a jack in the box -no not Jack, Jill- or a friend, or maybe better, a friend...Mary was half begging for a true friend, but you can't buy friends... well true friends anyway.She walked upstairs after thanking the servants with a fake smile and walked to her room, it was another way her parents thought they could buy her happiness. They showered her with expensive clothes and items, she didn't want any of this, she wanted to live like a commoner.A large four-poster bed with velvet curtains, giant fluffy pillows, a walk in wardrobe and an exotic tiger fur rug. But at some point a guardian angel out there must have took pity on the girl, that morning after she had breakfast alone, she left a small present on her bed.Mary knew there was something odd when she walked in, she saw a small box on her bed, it was painted in bright colours, with colourful clowns and flowers on each side with a crank on one of the sides.There was a carved note on the side; Merry Christmas Mary,Have a laughing Jill in the box.That was weird, Mary thought that there was only Jack in the boxes, never mind laughing ones but for curiosity sake she sat cross legged on her bed and started turning the handle on the crank as pop goes the weasel plays but it sounds like a voice was getting louder as she turned it.

Round and round the berry plant,The monkey chased the weasel,The monkey caught up and the game was done..,POP! A loud pop sounds as when the thing was supposed to sound there was a cloud of just. Mary thought it was just a prank until she saw her. It was a girl who looked in her mid teens, she had long brown hair that fell to her waist, she wore a long dress to her ankles that puffed out naturally, she was so colourful and had panels of every colour over her except her white ruffle at her chest. She wore her dress just above knees, mum would kill me for doing that, Mary thought looking at the stranger."Ah, its so good to get out there" She says in a soft voice before looking around to face Mary and starts giggling "Sorry sweetie, I'm Laughing Jill your new best friend" She smiles sweetly looking at Mary with large green eyes as Mary saw her pointed nose with a colourful cone at the end of it. She had bright pink eyes and she looked extremely pale but quite healthy at the same time."Umm, hi Jill I'm Mary" Mary stutters shyly looking down at the ground trying to avoid eye contact."I know that, I know everything about you, I am designed to be your friend, I like what you like, hate what you hate and love what you love" Jill smiles climbing onto the covering sheet of the bed and lying down giggling. "Okay, how is this possible?"Mary asks curious, she was a person of logic and didn't believe that this was happening.Jill stops giggling and hangs her head over the side "Never EVER question good things because they always make you feel bad"     Jill says before grabbing onto the frame and rolling off so she was hanging onto the frame before she landed softly on the floor as if she weighed nothing more than a feather. "Why?" Mary asks before having a handful of hard candy thrown at her gently. Mary looks surprised before looking around for the source of the candy."What did I just say?" Jill asks putting a piece of candy in her mouth smiling as she falls back on the bed smiling."Don't question it?" Mary says shyly."Exactly, Mary get dressed and we can play some games" Jill says jumping down onto the bed and swinging her legs up to show a pair of knee high boots."That's unladylike Jill" Mary says walking over to her closet and pulling open the doors to it."Where I come from we can do whatever we want" Jill says as Mary gets changed "We can eat how much candy we want and even ride any animal we want"Jill stands up and stretches before asking "Do you want to play in the snow?"."My mum and dad says its dangerous" Mary says shyly "And mother wants to talk to me about something"."Its the most awesome thing to do, wrap up in warm clothes and I'll wait for you after you see your mum" Jill giggles before disappearing.Mary put on her warmest clothes and went downstairs to see her mum in the main room, her mum was sitting on a chair waiting for her. After listening to her mum for about an hour talking about how she had to get married and things like that, ending in Mary getting shouted at and some bottles thrown at her as tries to tell her mum that she is too young to get married. She walks out to the garden where Jill was waiting with a clump of snow in her hand, bouncing it up and down waiting for her to get outside after talking to her mum.

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