Alexander and Ivy both got up and walked to the front door. The loud crash of thunder and lightning instantly woke them. Alexander walked to the door and checked to see who was there. There was a small girl no older than 8 or 9 holding a teddy bear. "Oh my god,Ivy grab a blanket", said Alexander concerned. "Why....who is it..?", said Ivy walking to the couch to grab a blanket. "A girl she looks cold..",he said unlocking the door. He let the small girl in, she was crying and her head was bleeding. The crying from the child woke the kids they got up and walked down the stairs. Alexander covered the child in the blanket while Ivy grabbed the first-aid kit in the bathroom. "Why is she crying Ivy",asked Alexis sucking her thumb. "I don't know sweetie...but we'll find out soon ok?",said Ivy dabbing a piece of a cotton ball on peroxide. Alexander ran upstairs and with him was one of his shirts, he handed it to Ivy and told her to change the girl into it. "Sweetie my name's Ivy can you tell me your name?"asked Ivy leading the child to the bathroom. "My name is Sally.....Sally Williams",said Sally smiling at Ivy. Ivy instructed the little Sally to take the soaked shirt off so she could change it. Sally turned around and took off hes shirt Ivy gasped at Sally's back, her back was covered in bruises and scars. ".....Sally what happened to you..?"Ivy asked pulling Sally closer to get a closer look at her scars. "My uncle did things to me....I told my mother....but she just thought I had a bad dream...."Sally sounded sad. Ivy pulled her close and put the shirt on her Sally thanked Ivy and held her hand as she walked out the bathroom with her. "Ummm Sally can you play with my nieces while I talk to my friend..", said Ivy leading her to the kid's room. "Ok..", said Sally joining the girls. Ivy closed the door and walked into the kitchen and rapped him on the shoulder. "Well her name is Sally Williams....and she just told me her uncle raped her..." said Ivy scratching the back of her head. "What....sad, we should call The police and child protective services.", said Alexander drinking a cup of water. Ivy was about to call the polics when a loud crash came from the kids room. The two quickly ran upstairs and saw the kids in the corner of the room shaking, they looked and saw the window open. "Where's Sally!", screamed Ivy. Mariah stood up "She said she wanted to play a game on my phone so I went to my bag to take it out I heard Alexis scream so I turned around and next thing you know she was gone", said Mariah shaking. " Oh my god....", mumbled Ivy holding the kids close and rocking them. "I wonder where she went", Alexander said walking over to the window. "Even though we are on the second floor it's not really a long jump......but for an 8 year old girl....a jump like this could break bones for a girl no taller than 4'9", said Alexander examining the height of the ground from the window. "Well I guess there's no need to call anyone now....she's gone and we have no idea where she is.....gone, without a chase.", said Ivy gently pushing the girls back to bed. "Girls i'll right back...just need to use the bathroom.", said Ivy leaving the room. Ivy was nervous about using the bathroom...scared of what might happen. Her hand was on the knob of the door she slowly opened door. She looked around....nothing it was safe....for now.
No More Time
ParanormalAs Ivy woke up from the coma light came the the cracks of the dim place...Ivy realized she was in a cave.With the back of her head pounding and most likely bleeding she slowly gets up to see she is not alone.