Just a Little Swap of...Gender?!

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Boy Crazy - Jasmine ^^^ (Video has nothing to do with the story, I just listened to the song while writing this)

Prompt 6# Gender Swap 18/01/16


Anakin stirred to the complete wrongness of the Force channeling inside his unusually strange feeling body, causing bone-deep wariness to shiver up his spine. He opened his heavy-lidded eyes, every part of his body tingling with anticipation and...soreness? Yet he didn't understand. He hadn't done anything the day before that had pushed his body past exertion. What possibly could've happened within his sleep? It was disorientating to say the least.

One thing he knew for certain was that he hadn't moved from his room during the night; same ceiling, same walls, same mattress. It appeared that only his body felt...funny... He gave a rather high sigh, which startled him, the sound resounding in his throat too abnormally for comfort. Kicking of the sheets, he stepped out of bed, wincing at the dull ache it caused, feeling unusually clumsy as he walked towards the refresher, more weight in his hips than normal... This was unnerving him more and more by the second...

He used his foot to kick the door shut behind him, his very long brown hair swaying from the movement. He raised his eyes to the mirror and could've screamed. His (or her?!) eyes bulged out of his skull at the sight before him.

He was a...girl!... His usually matted brown hair was hanging in curtains down to his...breasts?! His usual straight, nimble form was now curvy and hourglassed, rounded around his chest and hips, his robes looser than ever. He wasn't even going to explain what it felt like down there... His jaw didn't even look as heavy, now with a softer edge, his features more petit and...lady-like?...

Anakin didn't know whether to scream, cry or laugh. He opted to just gaping at himself, or herself, pleading with the Force that this was just a twisted joke or a horrid nightmare. Yet it seemed way too real. His knees were quaking with the panic gradually growing inside him.

What was he going to do? How could he even go out like this? How could he even explain this? It seemed utterly too ridiculous to be believable, yet here he was, as real as ever. How did this even happen?

He heard the door slam open behind him and he went rigid, his heart missing a leap within his chest.

"Good morning, Sky..."

With his breath lodged in his throat, he slowly swerved on his heels until he faced the doorway, mortified to not only see Ahsoka, but Obi-wan as well.

"Don't ask, Snips," he choked, the octave of his voice almost shattering his nerves completely. "I don't even know..."


Hey guys!

This update was really speedy! I had a ton of fun writing this! Thanks again to the 100 Day Writing Challenge for this prompt. It really gave me a laugh!

Since I wanted to keep this PG, I didn't go into too much depth of the differences between a boy and a girl, but I think enough to give you guys the general idea. Most of the stories I've read about changing a character's gender is about the character being born with a different gender. However, I thought it would be cool and funny for Anakin to wake up one morning as a girl, instead of being born that way. That's also what the prompt suggested I do, so that's what I did!

Please fav and review! Also, this story would be interesting to pursue further, so if you guys would like me to continue this (haha, poor Ani ;)) just let me know and I might consider it.

Thanks guys!

M. Elyse Lynch

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