Beach Waves

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Try Everything - Shakira ^^^


Anakin dived head first into thick carpet of aqua blue water, the heat of the day dissipating in almost a second as the cool salted liquid covered his skin, seeming to seep into his very soul. He found himself grinning beneath the azure waves, his shaggy brown hair floating around his face. He'd completely forgotten how amazing the sensation was to feel so care-free that the universe seemed nothing more than an atmosphere of pure delight. Having fun at the beach seemed rather ridiculous in a war ridden cosmos, yet here he was, the forceful current brushing off his body and the sand slippery in between his toes.

When he felt he could no longer hold his breath, he simply leaped out of the water, using the Force to flip into a standing position on the shore, the damp sand sinking beneath his feet. He usually loathed sand with all the passion within his body, yet today it seemed to have a completely different ambience than usual. It was no longer a prison, but a freedom...

"Master?" Ahsoka asked with uncertainty, completely dry as she tested the water tediously with her toe. "Explain to me again why we're doing this."

"Oh come on, Snips," Anakin chided playfully, a dog-like smirk coating his lips, ocean water dripping in rivulets. "It's just a bit of fun!"

Ahsoka cocked her head to the side, confusion rolling off her in waves, her lekkus flopping over her shoulders. "But isn't there a war going on?"

Anakin's smirk widened more mischievously, his aqua-marine eyes sparkling. "You're sounding more like Obi-wan, and besides, you're still a kid. You deserve some fun."

Ahsoka gave a sideways smile, almost as sneaky as Anakin's. "Alright, Skyguy, but if you want me to get into the water, you're gonna have to catch me!"

It took a few seconds for Anakin to realise what had just happened, giving Ahsoka a head start as she bolted across the shore. Breaking free from his daze, a concoction of frustration and determination sizzled through him as he sprinted on after her, mingling through many crowds of civilians, getting scalded for disturbing their tranquility. "Oi! Get back here, Snips!"

It was a wild chase, for a while only being guided by the navy-blue stripes of her lekkus, yet as time sped by, Anakin gained on her until he was able to grasp her and lift her into his arms. Ahsoka fought in his grasp, yet it was no use as he sprinted over to the water and chucked her into the swell of the ocean, chuckling madly as she screamed and leapt in after her.

Anakin felt a stab of remorse thinking of her. Ahsoka was merely a kid, a child forced into a universe of adult destruction and eradication. She'd become so devoured by it herself that most forgot that she was just a child, a care-free, wild, spirited girl with dreams that meant the world to her, just like any other child out there. He felt guilty for not providing her with the life she deserved; she should have the privilege to splash at the beach everyday, with some girlfriends instead of himself, not having to share the burden of saving the entire universe from its self-implosion. And as he and Ahsoka both rose from the oceans surface, he swore he'd never seen her eyes shimmer like that before.

It was a tragedy, what the powers of war and corruption were capable of, yet he swore he hadn't smiled this much in a very long time...


Hey guys!

Just another fun story, with a little hint of tragedy. This was basically my way of fighting through Writer's Block. I've been rather busy lately, but I'll try my hardest to get more stories out there.

On other amazing news, last weekend I won the Wattpad Fanfic Competition! I can't believe I actually won! The story is called A Perfect 'Sea' Storm which is of cause about my lovely friend Anakin. You can find it on my profile if you want to check it out.

Also, I've been working on A Little Swap of... Gender?! Part 2, so bare with me. It will be coming out soon!

Thanks guys!

M. Elyse Lynch

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