The secret is out?

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Headache and pain the next day, my head swurling. As I got up to the use the bathroom, I looked in the mirror to see; my eyelash on my fourhead, my lipstick smudge a cross my face, eyeliner on my cheek and my wig hanging by a thread. I laugh at myself, I look ridiculous! As I untucked, remove my makeup and put clean jeans on and a top of Bianca face on. I crawl to my bed to check instagram and twitter, I found a picture of me, Courtney and Bianca dancing with the caption
'these bitch r CRAZY!!❤❤'
Posted by Trinity, it had 350 like and 299 retweets. Then I notice a comment it said 'Arrr I ship Adore and Bianca! Love u. Xxx' I puzzled was it too noticeable that I like Bianca? I need to keep a low profile around her! But how I love her more than a friend, I felt like crying until my phone went, text from Courtney
'wat happened last night??'
I texted back
'Well u was rlly drunk and u was snogging Milk. Xx'
It was no answer for awhile, then
'Yh way!'
I replied, I wanted to see her face so badly!
'Why didn't u stop me!!!!'
She texted
'I was going back to the hotel with drunk sexy Bianca!'
I replied, then Courtney replied
'LOL😂 How was ur sexy Bianca?'
Shit! I notice I called her sexy in my text. Fuck how can I cover it! I didnt texted back. After a while she texted
'OMG! I'll be right over. Xx'
Shit! Shit! She coming over. Now she knows I like her. Fuck how do I get out of this one. I just try to convince myself it was a nasty dream and I'll wake up in a minute, and I close my eyes and pinch myself on the arm. Ouch! When I opened my eyes I was still there on my bed with my phone in my hand, in the same situation.

I don't know what to do! I really don't know! I want a Glamazon to swallow me whole rather than to be in this such pain and angry I was feeling. Knock! Knock! The start of my life about to be exposed. As I walk over with my mind blank, no thoughts, no ideas, just blank! As I opened the door I felt shooken, there he was the demon, my torcher Shane. He stud in a normal blue top and jeans, but he looked tried and ill like hangovers do he smile
"Hi, can I come in?" He mumbles, I nodded, opening the door slightly more to allow him in. I felt my heart in a hurtful way as he sat on the couch, patting his hand on the seat next to him. I sat down in a awkward way, he stared
"Danny do you want to tell me something?" He said softly, he knows! I did not make eye contact with Shane, as he grabbed my hand. I can't! I just can't!
"Danny? Please" he said concerned
"There's nothing to say" I replied, he patted my hand. I felt like crying! I was angry and sad at the same time. I hated to feel like this! Shane grabbed me to hug him, he rubbed my back as held back my tears,
"I know Danny, I know" he whispered. What do he know? About Bianca? How? I held it in so hard, I never mentioned it!
"How long?" As he push me up,
"What do you mean?" I replied shyly.
"This Bianca thing" he croaked, he knows! HE FUCKING KNOWS! My head races as I try to gain my breath back. I stud up
"What do you mean this 'Bianca thing' are you saying I have a crush on him! NO!NO! HE'LL NO!" I replied, He stare then stands up to say
As he shout I feel like I ruin my friendship with Shane, I don't want this to happen. He stare, it's a stare to say tell me the truth.
"I don't know! Ok I just don't know!" I sigh, I look down to the floor. He lifts my head up
"You are my best friend and Roy is as well, I can't look at you differently you will always be that hog body chola!" He giggles, I do as well. He grabs my hand and continues
"The heart wants, what the heart wants" I felt tearful and I embrace him with a hug to whisper
"Please don't tell anyone, Untill I finally know if I do!" he nodded and hugs me back.

As he leaves my head swirls, what if he tells? What will happen? Will he like me? Or am I ruining a friendship? I slam the door and slid down the door weeping. My emotions just broke, I don't know what to do. As I sat there my phone rang but I ignored it. I just didn't care anymore, nothing matter just me and my thing for fucking Bianca. Then a loud knock on my door, I sat then wiping my tears. I was not answering it, then a voice charmed
"Danny? It's me" it sounds familiar, I get up to see through the peep hole. Shit! It's Roy, I rush to the bathroom to clean up. The knocking got louder and louder as I wiped the tears from my eyes. When I think I'm suitible to go to the door, the knocking stopped. But I still went to the door, as I opened it. I saw Roy standing their in a red onesie, it looked like he was going to walk away. He looked at me
"Well, it's about time!" As he invites himself in to my room, laughs will sitting on my bed. Oh Wow! I finaly got him in my bed, but not sexual tho. Only friends! I closed to door behind him. He smiled
'Well what are you doing today?" He asked, I shrugged my shoulders. He laughed and said
"I'm going to do some shopping for me and a bit for Bianca cause I need some new fabric girl" he chucked.
"Really I thought you would wear the same dress again like what you always do" I spoke up, he replied
" Well I'm not crazy. I'm fierce bitch!"

In my eyes it seemed like he was abit offended by my speech but I was taking the mick but in a joking way to hide my feeling and my tear from before. I blanked out, Roy stares and screams
"CHOLA DO YOU WANT TO GO SHOPPING OR WHAT!?" I look at him as his hazel eyes beam directory in to my soul. I replied with a squeak
"Yes let's go shopping. Party" as he gets up laughing, he pats my chest and I felt my heart skipped a beat. I felt my cheeks burning my flesh, Shit i'm blushing! He stopped laughing and said in a joking matter
"Ok are you attracted to me or something because your FUCKING BLUSHING!" I Blush even more when he said are you attracted to me. I shook my head, then replied
"I'm fucking red hot, let's get out of here!" He nodded and headed for the door as I put some trainers on. I closed the door behind me and watch Roy walk up to his room to fetch some stuff. I wait...and wait....and fucking wait there. Is he teasing me? Finally he steps out of his room, as he walks the sunshines on him. It looked beautiful like hearing angels sing,
"Ready?" I croaked. He nodded and we walked down to the lift, as all ways he went in first and I checked his ass out. As it was going down we where laughing and giggling about everything such as runway looks, stupid quotes and anything else that caught our attention on the show.

The lift opened and there stud shane with Ben, I stared in fear. Shane smiled as to say 'it's alright', I gulped and signed with relief.
"Are you two going up or down?" Shane asked, I was going to answer but Roy said
" Hello! We have just came down in it so does it look like we are going up cunt" Roy was niggley but then they laughed. We steped out of the lift as Shane and Ben walked in.
"Thanks pussyface! You grumpy old man!" Shane shouted, Roy laughed and replied
" Your welcome cum-biscuit and Fuck you!" They laughed. We all said 'see you later'. I could not help but wonder Courtney and Bianca are really close, so I puzzled as we walked through the automatic doors. He called for a taxi, as he was on the phone he looked at my distorted puzzling face,
"What a matter with you chola?" He belowed. I looked up to see Roy looking at me as if I just said the worst thing ever! I stared back and replied
"Nothing.." as I quickly shake my head and look away

We stud there for 10 minutes, no words crossed to each other. I wonder if I am to awkward to talk to, or worst he might know how I feel. As the taxis pulled up Roy indicated for me to go first. As he got in he smiled like his true smile as we talked for awhile,
" Have I got a nickname?" I projected.
Roy looked confused and he replied
"What do you mean? Chola" I continued
"Well you and Shane have nicknames for each other" he laughed at the end
"Feeling left out chola?" He clucked as I shook my head. Roy looked up and said " Your nickname is so Chola Pizza Bitch" He smiled to ensure me, I giggled. We went down town to buy more of everything like; makeup, clothes, shoes, wig and more.

After all of this shopping we went to Starbucks for a chill and a rest from the drag lives that we spend so much on. We bonded over our drinks, i feel like I'm understanding 'Roy' better, Bianca is a hard comedy bitch but Roy is something else.. He was something good in my little world, i think i do love him but I cannot destroy our friendship over a silly little crush! I have to keep quiet i have to! Roy looked over at me
"I think we should start heading back" he spoke, i nodded and gathered my things.

We went back to the hotel to get ready for another Par-tay?! Roy went to his room and i went to mine to get ready. Hmm what to wear? Maybe jean shorts? Patterned? I put some fishnets tucking before then put on jean shorts with a flower pattern on the ass. I put on a sequinned black t-shirt with a flanneled jacket. My hair waved and blonde, then my usual makeup. I put on some black boots and i am done! My door knocked, i shouted
"Come in"
In the doorway was Roy well Bianca, with a clown as-ethnic from head to foot. She looked straight faced, i was folding my clothes looking back and forth, if she going to come in? Why hasn't she said anything? I'm worried, I got up the courage and said
" are you going to stay there or come in?"
With a nervous laugh on the end.

She came in and slammed the door behind her, she march to me. We were nose to nose with each other, still had that stern look on her face. My heart was in my mouth, i felt sick and weak at the knees. She barked
"When was you going to tell me?"
Folding her arms, i sat on the bed in shock.. My secret is out what do i do? What do i say? Shane promised me?! I feel heartbroken and betrayed! I'm...I'm dizzy.....

Hi! Im so sorry i had this in my drafts for three years! And I forgot to post it i hope you enjoy it isn't as good as the first one but oh well. Next part will come soon (hopefully not three years?! Lol) thank you!

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