Uh oh

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It was only about a week before the baby was due. Del and I decided to name her Marrie Maroon Denis. (Thank you irl Raven. I literally have her name writen on my arm so that I wouldnt forget.) We were so excited. We were back in North Carolina. Luke, (CaRtOoNs. Yes that is how you spell it.) was there to help us. He helped decorate her room. Her room was adorable. The walls were a deep maroon color, her crib was white, there was a little butterfly spinny thing hanging above her crib, and there were all kinds of babies toys around the room. I just wanted to not be pregnant anymore so that I could call Minx fat without me being pregnant too. We were such good friends that I couldnt help myself in making fun of her. Ohm was being great to her. We were even closer now that her and Del found out they were twins. They werent identical. They hardly looked alike at all. Their blue eyes only matched. But it was cute. Seeing that they were close before but were even closer before. After the baby was born they were going to come and visit us in North Carolina. We are ready for that too. We had to move into a bigger house with the baby but it worked out, it had three rooms so one was mine and Del's, one was Marrie's, and the other was a spare. Suddenly i felt water running down my leg. "Delirious!!!" I yelled. He came running. I looked at the wet floor. My stomach hurt like hell. I screamed from the pain. "Babe tell me whats wrong." He asked worried. "Baby..... coming.....hospital......now...." I said between winces of pain. He picked me up bridal style and ran to the car. He set me in the back seat. I immediatly called Minx.

Minx POV

My phone started to ring. It was Ash. "Hello." I said. 

"The baby is coming!!" She yelled.

"We will be right on a plane there right now, just calm down we will be there soon okay. Give the phone to Del." I said. 

"Sis what do I do?" He asked me. 

"Just tell her its going to be okay and get to the hospital as fast as possible. I will be there in a few hours okay. Be safe." I said. Ohm was  running around the house getting all of our stuff together. I hung up and ran out to the car to start it. Kristen wasnt due until next month. Lizzie had moved out and into an apartment with her boyfriend Joel, so we turned her room into Kristen's room. The walls were violet, her crib was black, there was the flying pirate ship from peter pan on the wall, and she had a big cheshire cat plushy on the floor next to her crib. I honestly loved her room. So did Ohm. He was excited to be a dad. I was nervous, because I havent heard from Kameron since the day we found out Kristen was a girl. I was worried that she might have been passed down into Kristen. 'Nope still here just waiting for you to remember me.' I let out a sigh of relief. You stay away from my daughter. I mentally growled. 'I cant get passed down. She will have her own. Krism is her name. I talk to her when you arent awake.' I gasped. But when Ohm jumped into the drivers seat we just left. We drove to the airport. Only 2 hours on a plane and we would be there. Luke would pick us up. 

----Time skip----

We are in the car with Luke driving to the hospital. He was going to drop us off and then take our bags back to Del's place. I walked into the hospital right up to the receptionist. "What room is Ashley Denis in?" I asked. "Room 6." I nodded and walked to their room. Ash was the happiest I had seen her in a while. She was looking down at Marrie while Delirious stood next to her. Ash handed Delirious Marrie. He smiled. I giggled. They both looked my way. "So did everything go okay?" I asked. Ash nodded. "Just hurt like a fucking bitch." She said laughing. "Oh and by the way, in not the fat one anymore. You are. My baby is out of me." She said laughing at me. "Ah shit. God dammit. Well one more month and I wont be the fat one either. It will be Ohm." I said giggling. He put his hands on my waist. I turned around and put my forehead to his. He tilted his head up and kissed my forehead. "Would you to get a room?" Delirious asked. We both laughed. "Shut up Daddy Delirious." Said poking him in the side. He turned to me. I smiled. "Can I hold her?" I asked. He nodded. I took her from his arms. She looked just like Ash, but she had Del and I's bright blue eyes. She was very pretty. I just looked down at her and smiled. She opened her eyes. I handed her back to Del. I couldnt wait for Kristen to get here. But what about Krism? Kameron. 'Yes?' Will Kristen have my powers? I asked her. 'Not for a while but yes. She just has to unlock them like you did. You got really angry and that made it happen. She might be different but you wont know until she is born and knows about them. Or you could tell her at a young age and train her to use them from then.' I want to train her to use them, but doesnt that mean Krism will appear too. You did when I learned about them. 'Yes but Krism is a lot nicer then me. They should get along fine. Just like you and me. ' she said. Is there anyway I can talk to both you and Krism at the same time? I asked. 'Yes just give me a few minutes i will go and get her.' Thank you. Then there was a knock on the hospital door. I turned around. It was Kaitlyn and her boyfriend Cameron. (I know too many Camerons.) She had something in her arms. It was a little Pomeranian puppy. "Hey Kaitlyn! When did you get here?" I asked her. "About an hour ago. Llama was a pain to fly on a plane with but we got a hotel already." She explained. "Llama?" I shook my head while laughing. "Doesnt the fluffieness remind you of a llama?" Cameron asked. "Shuddap Cam. I will still beat the shit out of you if you hurt her." I said. He nodded his head quickly. "I would show you my power but I dont know if it would hurt Kristen." I explained to him. "Power?" He looked confused. I looked at Kaitlyn. I gave her the 'why does your boyfriend ask so many questions' look. I hesitated but I did it anyway. I imagined him floating in the air. He started to float. "Whoa this is cool, but how?" He asked. "It started when someone knocked Delirious unconcious. Something took over me. I jumped on the guy who did and choked him out. I went to the bathroom after and a trashcan was floating. I dropped it and imagined it floating again and it did. When I get angry I cant control it, thats when my bad side comes out. Her name is also Kameron, but she isnt just here when I'm angry. She is part of me. She is a voice in my head. Kristen will have a voice too, and my powers. Kameron told me. Kristen's bad sides name is Krism. Kameron is going to get Krism right now so she left me alone." I finished. 'I'm back.' Give me a sec. 'Okay.' "She just got back so if I start zoning out its because I'm talking to her and Krism." They nod. Welcome to my head, Krism. 'Hello.' I have a question for you. 'Ask away.' Stay out of my daughters head. You can stay in mine but I want you out of Kristen's. Plus it will give Kameron someone to talk to all the time. 'You would do that for me?' Kameron asked. Yes I would. 'I will stay away from her only if I get to stay here with Kameron.' She said. I smiled. Thank you, both of you. I said. 'Anything for Minx.'


Well I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. 

Kristen will be born soon....

Jinx out

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