Chapter 4

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"Hi, Kelsey. I'm calling to check in...a whole two hours early! Thank you for the card I got it this morning. And thanks for the phone know, you don't have to check in every day. Ha-Ha. I hope your test went well. Bye."

"Hey, Kels. I'm pretty much dying. My quads are gonna snap. I think the coaches have it in for me. But it was a good practice today. A really good practice, actually. Call me later. I'll just be here, ya know, dying a slow death."

"Sorry, we went to the movies and I forgot to turn my phone on after. By the way, I talked to Allie earlier. She wants another get together. I told her I'm down, so you're probably gonna hear from her later. Anyway, I gotta go. Call me when you can."

"Kels, It's no big deal...just a ball to the head and no joke, I just fell over. No concussion. The nurse took my phone away though. She was kind of a dragon. Ha. Anyway, chill with the excessive calling. I'm fine. I'll try calling you again later. See ya."

* * * * * *

The phone rings incessantly. On and on. Nathan reaches for it with his eyes closed, a little disappointed when he encounters it and doesn't actually knock it off the nightstand.


“It's time to get up!”

Nathan squints at the clock. “Jesus, what time is it?”

“Uh...probably five thirty.”

“Kelsey, please.”Nathan's exhausted and he doesn't have the concentration for Kelsey's enthusiasm this early.

"I thought you would want to hear my voice bright and early!”

“Well, you thought wrong.”Nathan waits, but there's only silence. He thinks about falling back asleep, but Kelsey interrupts his thoughts

“Can I ask you something?”

“What the? Wake me up with the goddamn roosters to ask questions. That's just cruel and unusual, Kel. Cruel and unusual.”

“Why do you like me?"

It's early so Nathan's unprepared. But, early morning light is for honesty and so is talking to Kelsey.

“I don't know, Kelsey. It just happened. We know each other inside and out, and I guess, it just sort of was inevitable.”

“Okay, I have to get ready now. Go back to sleep. Bye.”

Nathan doesn't linger on the odd conversation. Kelsey is a curious monkey by nature, so he doesn't think much of it. Besides, not all of their moments are easy or curious. There's a river of unspoken feelings between them and it's weird.

* * * * * *

Nathan sits in the lobby of the training facility that the team is using, enjoying the cushioning of the comfy chair.In his ear, Kelsey babbles on.

“Okay, so then the girl who's introverted Sensing and the boy who is Extroverted Thinking are paired together for the next project. But the---”

“What class is this for again?”

Kelsey sighs in frustration. “My psych class. Now pay attention. I have to write a fifteen page paper on this stupid situation.”

“Right...and this is the class you took because you thought it would be interesting?”

“That's not really the point right now.”

So Nathan lets Kelsey go on again, trying to keep up with what she's saying, but mostly getting closer to falling asleep in the lobby.

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