Chapter 1

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This story is going to have really slow updates just to let you know. I'm not going to be writing that much in this story but I decided to upload the first chapter. This is going to be one of my main stories so I won't be updating a lot :)

Chapter 1 of Before I Self Destruct

Cecelia's POV

"I hate my life! I hate my life,"I repeatedly chanted to myself during the flight. Why am I so messed up. It's like bad things are attracted to me like bees to honey.

I was on a flight to England to stay with my dad. It wasn't just a visit though. I had to live with him. I didn't really have a choice since my mother was gone which was practically my fault in a way. The only person that knows about it is my dad and older brother. I don't really like talking about it. It still haunts me..

It was an eight hour flight. During the duration of the flight I watched a few movies and got a bit of sleep.

After a few hours of sleep, the person sitting beside me shook me lightly. His name was Drake. He was a pretty good guy. We had things in common and he made me laugh. When we were seated onto the plane we introduced ourselves and started talking about random stuff. I felt like I had been friends for him for like forever. I dunno.. I'm just weird sometimes.

"We've landed,"Drake told me. "Thanks,"I replied.

I got up and took my hand luggage from the overhead locker.

" were great company..,"Drake told me nervously.

"You too, I guess,"I chucked.

We started walking down the aisle of the aeroplane. He was behind me.

"So where abouts in England are you staying?"

"London. What about you?"he asked.

"Same. Maybe we could hang out sometime."

"Yeah. That'd be nice. I'll give you my number once we get off the plane."

Once we got off the plane and were in the indoors part of the airport, Drake and I sat on one of the chairs. We both took out our phones and exchanged numbers. "I'll give you a call when I'm settled in,"I said. "Okay, well it was nice meeting you. Bye."

About 5 minutes had passed when I heard someone call my name. "Cece!" I turn around to see who it was. My dad. He ran up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. "I've missed you." "Me too dad."

He lead me to his car and we drove home in a comfortable silence.

My dad drove into a nice estate which I'm guessing was where he lived. He parked his car in front of a front door and turned off the engine. We both got out of the car with my luggage and walked towards the door. My dad jingled a few keys until he took one out, entered it into the key slot and turned it halfway, opening the door.

As I walked through the door, I walked into a living room. It was beautiful. Well to me anyways. My family and I aren't exactly "rich". The walls were painted a cream colour and had three paintings on different areas. The couches were black leather, a coffee table was in the centre of the room and a TV that wasn't too wide or small was attached onto a wall.

"Wow! Dad, how did you get the money for all this?,"I questioned him.

"The council gave me some money while I try to get a job and land on my feet."

I was about to reply when I heard the front door open and close. It was my brother, he walked into the living room.

"What is she doing here!,"he shouted.

"Caleb I-" before I could finish my sentence he stormed off.

"Sorry about him.."

"It's fine. Can you show me where my room is? I'm tired."

My dad started walking down the hall and I followed him. He showed me a door and I went in. I thanked him then closed the door. The room was cool. Nothing really special but I still loved it. I dropped by bags and jumped onto the soft bed. It was about 9pm and I was tired from all the travelling. My eyelids were starting to feel heavy and I soon drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep.


(Sorry it's short)

Thanks for reading. This is the first chapter, what do you think? Should I continue?


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