Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 of Before I Self Destruct

Cecelia's POV

"Wow these are delicious dad!"my brother said munching on his pancakes.

"Actually Cece made them,"my dad replied. As soon as Caleb heard my name he spat out the pancakes.

"Ugh! I can't believe I ate them! She probably added poison!"he shouted as he got up from the table.

"Don't worry. He'll come around."

"I hope so dad.."

After I had finished my breakfast and cleaned up I went into the bathroom to have my shower.

I walked out with my towel wrapped around my body. My phone started to ring and I went over to my bedside table and picked it up. I looked at the called ID which read "Drake".

"Hey what's up?"

"Just wondering if you wanted to go catch a movie?,"he asked.

Sure! Any ideas?"

"Yeah, Paranormal Activity 4 is out. You like scary movies?"

"I love 'em. How about I meet you at the cinema?,"I suggested.

"No problem. I'll text you which one. Bye."

"See ya later,"I said.

I looked through my luggage which I hadn't unpacked yet. I got out my washed out white denim skinny jeans, a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, combat boots and a black leather purse shaped as a heart. After I had dressed up I wore some stud earrings and a few bracelets.

I checked my phone and saw that Drake had texted me where the cinema was. I went onto the maps app on my phone and saw that it was approximately a 8 minute walk from my house. I went out of my room and into my dad's.

"Dad I'm going out to the cinema."

"Ok love. Be back by 10pm." I gave him a hug and went out the door.

Drake's POV

"No problem. I'll text you which one. Bye."

"Text who what?,"my girlfriend walked into the room.

"Oh just a friend. She just moved to London so-"I was cut off.

"She?" my girlfriend questioned with an annoyed look on her face.

"Yeah but she's just a friend. I promise."

"Well I'll come. I mean it's not like I'll be interrupting a date or anything?"she said with a devious smirk.

"Just be ready in 10,"I sighed.


My girlfriend and I arrived at the cinema 7 minutes late due to her taking ages to get ready. I could see Cecelia outside the cinema standing there, waiting. We got down and once I locked the car we made our way towards Cecelia.

"Hey. Sorry I- We're late,"I corrected myself.

"No problem. I'm Cecelia,"she introduced herself to my girlfriend.

"And I'm Jade. His girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you,"Cecelia replied.

"I bet it is,"Jade replied with a fake smile.

There was so much tension.. I could tell that Jade didn't like Cecelia.

"Well then! Lets go watch the movie!,"I said wanting to get out of the awkward situation.


I had another part to this chapter but didn't quite like it so I removed it..

But I hope you enjoyed this short chapter :) I don't know when I'll update next :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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