They're Alive!

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Henry Smith, has been in his home country of the United States for only two years as of now. For the passed two months he has been having flashbacks and hallucinations. "Why would this happen to me now? Why couldn't it happen to any of us? I want to go back." are various recurring thoughts in his damaged mind.
Henry washed his face and went to bed. Watched a bit of television until he fell asleep. He was sound and very deep into his rest. Henry started to dream, crooked dreams, a dream that would haunt him forever.
Henry saw a girl, she. Had to be less than 8 years of age. She smiled at him and started to walk away wanting him to follow her, so Henry had began to go. She walked to these to middle aged people. It was a man and a woman. She hugged them both it had to be her parents.
He started to see himself, he was walking towards the child and her parents. The father had just pulled a gun on Henry and was telling him to back away because he was a rotten piece of American scum. He started to shoot at Henry's feet as a warning shot. Henry was only on patrol of the village but he still had to pull out his semi-automatic rifle. Henry was shot in the foot. He returned with bullets of his own killing the family, including the little girl.
Henry walked up to the family's body knowing that what he did could have been solved another way, but he was shot in the foot and could not aim correctly.
The little looked at Henry and her last words were, "Why would you do this to me... I... I... I only wanted to play." As her head dropped to be back of the ground.
Henry woke up in his bed gasping for air and had an incredibly high heart rate. He looked at the clock and read 8:03am. The night passed by quickly and miserably he thought.
He went to work and was driving back home at night. He saw a child on the side of the road and stopped to see what it was. The child was crying with their head down. It was late, for a child this small, to be outside.
"Hey kid, are you okay? Do you need a ride home?" Said Henry as the child quickly lifted their head. "I only wanted to play!" Said the child with a devilish voice.
Henry quickly ran back to his car, got in and locked the door. "It's happening all over again." Said Henry. "All I want is for it to stop. I know that I committed an error God, please forgive me. PLEASE!!". Henry turned on his car radio and started listening to the music, Electronic music. The DJ said the title of the next song which is "I Just Want To Play by This Is War". When Henry heard the name he automatically turned off the radio and thought to himself. "You know what I really do indeed deserve this, but not in the fashion."
Henry got into bed. Forgot about the TV and just stood there. The hallucination happened again, and again, suing back in his kind like a scratching CD. He couldn't make it stop. When suddenly he heard noises in the kitchen. He got out of bed and is into his sandals and went to the kitchen for further examination. The lights had refused to turn on and yet the ceiling fan with the light was on the highest speed. Suddenly, without him touching the switch, the lights turn on and a person appears. It is the father of the child. Holding the same exact gun as before, but can't be real. He calls him the same insult "Rotten piece of American scum," yet this time, the father had shot at both of Henry's legs, causing him to fall into his knees in pain screaming. The father proceeded with his next act. He spit all over Henry, showing no respect at all towards him. The mother then appears out of the air. "Why would you do this to us, you killed us all and now you will gifted the same favor." The mother said.
"I'm sorry miss, I was just doing my job when you're husband proceeded to insult me and shoot me. I understand that O killed you all but I had no amount of accuracy as I was shot in the leg. Please I only ask for forgiveness" said Henry as he watched the little girl appear from thin air as well.
"Hello person, why did you have to to kill me, and my mom, and my dad mister? It hurt me very much, do you know that?" Said the girl.
"Yes, I know that and I am sorry, I know that I was an idiot and I apologize." Said Henry.
"All I wanted was to play." Replied the little girl.
A bullet pierced through the back of Henry Smith's head. He was found dead later that day on the floor lifeless.

Though the hallucinations were fake, Henry had fallen victim to a robbery in the last piece. He was actually shot in both legs and in the back of the head but not by the father. By one of the robbers. It is indeed unfortunate how Mr Henry had to be robbed during a hallucination but karma will indeed come back to the corrupt one day. May not be today and it may not be tomorrow but it will come and that is a fact. I hope you guys enjoyed my little horror story for my fellow writing companion's competition.

That is her screen name if you want to check out her work. Trust me if, you will not regret one single read on her page. Well it's have been me and I will see you in the next story!!!

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