Chapter 17

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"I need to talk to you," Dad said after breakfast the next morning. Brody had just left, and I wasn't sure what was going on for the day. I hoped no more training. Finn had left a message that he expected Brody and I later for more hunting. "Come into my study with me."

I followed Dad into the study. I sure spent a lot of time in there. "I swear, I didn't do it," I sat down using one of Sean's famous lines.

Dad laughed, and it was good to hear it. He'd been so serious lately. "No, but you're going to." He handed a huge packet of paper to me.

"What's all this?" I started looking through it. "College prep?"

"There's a new, experimental program that TJP is going to be participating in with Hood, and you've been excepted into it," Dad began. "You'll be taking three classes next summer session, Latin, English composition, and history. They will count for your junior year requirements."

He went on to explain how my entire junior year would be taken care of in one semester. I'd be taking classes at both TJP and HoodCollege, the private college in town. The spring semester would be my entire senior year.

"But, why?" I put the papers down. "Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"Of course not, Emmie," Dad looked a little sad. "It's just that we need to do what we can to keep you with Brody, and holding him back is out of the question. As you know, there is a scholarship on the table for him, and a place on the UVA lacrosse team. So, this program came about, and I applied for you."

"But, two years worth in two semesters?" I was shocked and overwhelmed. "I'm going to have to quit dance."

"I'm sorry about that, Emmie, I really am," he really did look sorry, so that made me feel a little better.

"Who else is going to be in this program with me? I hope I'm not the only one," I was trying to accept it, even though it was hard.

"Marc was accepted into it, and a boy named Keegan. You three start the classes in July, and will have all of your classes together at TJP and Hood come the fall," Dad told me. "Your schedule is in the packet that I gave you."

"What about Kara?"

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart, she wasn't accepted. She did apply though," again, he really did look sorry. "Hood will send a letter with your application to UVA that you'll be graduating in the spring with the current class of seniors. I am assuming that you want to follow the boys to UVA."

"If this is to keep me with Brody, then yes," I nodded. "I was going to apply there when the time came anyway." I wasn't even sixteen yet, but once I was, I was going to be a senior. I'd barely be seventeen when I started college.

"You don't seem mad at me for applying to this for you," Dad looked at me.

"I'm not mad," I began. "I'm overwhelmed. I assumed I'd have a summer off, but instead I'll be starting classes in a couple of weeks," I rifled through the papers until I found my schedule. "Wow, chemistry, algebra, Latin, English lit, history, government, and business? That's a lot."

"Do you know Keegan Gerhardt?" Dad asked and I nodded. "Oh good since he's the one that will be in the program with you and Marc. I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of them."

"Can I go up to my room now and read over this stuff?" I pointed to the papers.

"Of course," Dad said. "If you need anything, give me a call. I have to go into the office now."

"Ok," normally I would have hugged him before I walked out, but I was a bit distracted.

I walked up to my room and grabbed my phone. I sent a text to Brody letting him know I'd be graduating with him, but I didn't wait for a response, I called Marc instead. I asked him why he didn't tell me that he'd applied to the program, and exactly what he planned to do once we graduated. He said he was going to apply to Georgetown, but he still wasn't sure what he wanted to major in. I told him I was thinking psychology, and he told me I'd be very good at it, I was a good listener and all my advice was very good. We then started gossiping, and he asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told him I had no idea, honestly, and he assured me whatever he got me would be epic. We talked for an hour, and Brody had texted me five times. I didn't answer them, and called Kara instead.

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