Chapter 19

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Brody had started keeping a change of clothes with him, so that made it easier for him. While I was at my house getting things together for the Gettysburg trip, he went back to his house to pack some more clothes. Sean stood in my doorway, laughing at me, as I walked around my room trying to figure out what to take.

"Calm down, squirt," he crossed his arms over his chest. "Want to know if you win this or not?"

"Do you see it around me?" I tossed a sweatshirt into my bag.

"Yeah, I do. And, I've had some visions about this. I didn't have one about tonight, you know, you're party, and I hate that I didn't," he tilted so he was leaning on the door frame. "I'm sorry about your friend."

"Yeah, me too," I sat down heavily on my bed. "Did Dad relent to letting you and Nate go?"

"Yeah, and Gannon and a few of his wolves will be there," Sean said. "Nate and I are packed. I think we're riding up with you."

"That works for me," I zipped up the bag. I had my dagger in one hand and the bag in the other. "I hope in all seriousness we find this thing tomorrow. I'm over this."

"I bet," Sean followed me downstairs. "Brody coming back over here?"

"I am," Brody was at the door waiting with Nate. "Are you guys ready?"

"Yes," I nodded. "Where are we going?"

"Finn got us a few hotel rooms up in Gettysburg," Brody took my bag from me. "Come on, I have directions. He said he wants to meet us on one of the battlefields though."

"So, we are hunting tonight," I clicked my SUV open and we all stashed our bags in the back.

"Apparently so," Brody swung into the passenger seat. "Need me to drive?"

"No, I'll be good. I can't sleep with all this going through my head," I buckled my seatbelt.

Dad had already left to go up. Our drive was uneventful, which was good. Gettysburg isn't that far from Frederick, so it was only a little past midnight when we got there. A quick stop at the hotel to drop our bags off, and I needed to thank Finn for arranging for me and Brody to share, and we were off to the battlefield.

It was easy to spot everyone, the werewolves had shifted again, and it's kind of hard to hide three rather large alphas. I'd taken some allergy medicine before we left, and put the rest in my bag, so now I could be around them. I had my dagger out by the time we got to the group.

"Well, the wolves aren't picking up anything unusual, but it won't hurt to look around a bit," Dad said. "There are been sightings in this area before. We're splitting up and walking the parameter. We'll meet back here in an hour."

Gannon again went with me, and I could see Finn up ahead of me. I really wasn't sure what I was looking for, but I was looking. Mostly I was following Gannon, who stopped to sniff almost everything, and if he could talk, he probably would have voiced his frustration.

"What are you doing out here?" I looked over at the voice that had come from behind me and saw that it was a soldier. It was too dark to really see the color of the uniform, but I knew it was the spirit of a soldier.

"We're tracking a demon," I told the spirit. Maybe he could help us, give us information. I'm sure he was trapped here, and probably had plenty of friends. "Have you seen one around here or anything?"

"You don't have any clue how to track it, do you?" the soldier laughed at me. "You've got a dog out here," Gannon turned and gave him a warning growl. Dog was a huge insult to werewolves. "Oh, sorry, I see that it's a wolf. How'd you train one to track for you?"

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