Chapter 4

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OMG 150 reads in total, thank you ^^ it means a lot for me and thank you all

So... I hope everybody still likes this story. On the side is a picture of how I picture Valissa, if you read this before, I changed the cast. My friend, who created Valissa, and I decide that this actres fitted her better. However if you had somebody else in mind or just don't agree with us, that's completly fine. And if you want you can always comment me with who you would have casted.

I have a little suprize at the end of the chapter... well sort of ^^ Anyways enjoy

I was sure my heartbeat could be heard trough the phone.

'How did you...' I stopped talking and collected myself.

For the love of God he wasn't here. It was just a phone call.
'Did you get this number forcefully?'

'No Arthmaël had been so kind to give me the traitor’s phone.' Darian said.

'Yes, I bet when you threaten a pack for war they are willing to give you almost anything...' I said sarcastically.

'They wouldn't give me your...' he breathed loudly a few times before speaking again, 'Boyfriend.' He almost growled the word.

I smiled when I heard that. Both my wolf and I seemed to like his jealousy.

'Of course they wouldn't give you the brother of the Imisi.' I said casually, knowing that that wasn't the boyfriend he was speaking about. The loud growl on the other side of the line was threatening, but I like it. 'Oh, you meant Jack...' I said with innocence in my voice.

'Yes, I meant Jack.' He said coldly. 'You did more than one?' he sounded chastising.

'Shut up! You don't know me! I'm no slut.' My time for growling. 'How many girlfriends have you had in your life?'

'Two.' He said coldly. 'One when I was 8 and one when I was 19.'

'How old are you anyway?'

'I'm 23. I heard you turn 18 this winter?'

'I do. I was looking forward to it...'

'Why not anymore?' Darian asked, his voice didn't sound that cold anymore, but carrying and deep.

'I don't know. You came along I guess...' I sighted, '... I've have seen what happens when a She-wolf finds her mate. She joins his pack because the man is superior.' I almost spat out the last sentence.

'Well, yes most times the man works and the female stays home. That's nature’s way...'

'Shut up. It's not. It's what our society is based on, but you know as well as I do that nature isn't bound by those rules.'

'So you just don't want to leave your pack?'

'I ran away! You think I enjoyed that?' I lashed out at him. He thought carefully before speaking again.

'I don't know what I have to think about you...' He confessed. '... I'm seeing everything in red these days. My wolf is so close on taking over, my pack fears me. My wolf feels hurt that you ran away from us, with that other wolf.'

'You should control him...'

'I had control over my wolf until we met you.' He said.

His tone had changed completely since the beginning of the conversation. It was nice how he was talking to me now and I could easily imagine how he could lull me to sleep. I shook my head. Not the right time to be thinking about that.

'And then he saw his mate. So pretty he couldn't believe his eyes. Her smell had met us when we got out of the car. It was so subtle, warm but sweet. But there was something deep and dark in it that made my wolf want to mate who ever owned it right there. It didn't matter who was looking.'

I was blushing. I didn't know what to say. I didn't have to.

'And then I saw you, you're small smile, how you looked at my Beta intrigued.'

'He looks different...' I mumbled in my defense.

'He does and most wolves stare at him. However, when you looked at my Beta I was ready to attack him on the spot. I didn't understand why he could hold your gaze. I wanted to own your attention.' He sighted. 'But the anger towards my Beta was nothing compared to when that pup started to touch you.'

'I didn't like it anymore...' I mumbled.

'I need to say that calms me down.' I could hear a smile trough the phone. 'I didn't think I had to punish him for touching you. And then before I knew it I saw a white wolf run away from me.’

'You tried to lock me up and treated me like I was weak.'

' I didn't mean to. I would never mistreat something that is mine.' I growled.

There were two things I didn't like about that sentence. First, I wasn't his, not yet. But more importantly, when did I become a something. I was not a thing! I was not a sweet treat you could parade around with whenever you feel like it.

'Valissa?' Darian understood something had ticked me off and was trying to figure out what.

'Bite me!' I yelled. I heard him chuckle a little before answering.

'I would love nothing more...' His tone only fuelled my anger and I hung up.

How dare he think of me as a thing! I would show him that he didn't own me! That he would never own me. I closed the laptop.

After another 3 hours I had packed a big climbing bag. The woman in the hotel shop had told me that it was too big for my smaller form, but little did she know that my wolf existed.
I checked my room another time. I had my clothing with me, the laptop I got from Jack, my cell phone, my wallet with my credit card. I smiled down at it. It wasn't totally filled yet but it was close.
I went downstairs. It was really hot this time of the year and I was dressed for it. Some short shorts and top and sneakers.
Asan greeted me.

'Could you call a cab for me?' I asked him with a sweet smile.

'Sure.' He replied with a smile.

'Thanks Asan you're the best.' I winked at him and smiled when I saw the blush rise to his cheeks.

It was dark when the cab driver talked again.

'This is as far north as I am allowed to bring you, miss.' He said still looking quite suspicious when he looked at me in his rear-view mirror.

'Oh...' I looked around and saw the village we had stopped in.

It was surrounded by woods but it smelled like there was a pack in the west. I would have to be careful. 'Where is the nearest place I can get some money from my account?' I asked him.

'At the end of this road.' After that he told me how much I needed him for the hour and half trip.

I paid him with the last cash I had with me. I really needed to use my credit card to pin a lot of money here. Darian might be able to track me here but I hoped the nearby pack would trow them of my smell.

After I had taken the maximum amount of money of my card I walked towards the woods.
I looked around and smelled the air for others before stripping. I putted my clothes in the backpack and lifted it onto my back. I strapped the waistband around me and guessed the size of my wolf before adjusting the shoulder bands.

Carefully I shifted in my wolf and shook a few times to check my baggage. It looked like it was strapped tightly around my body.
I looked up at the sky before dashing towards the North. I don’t know why but my wolf told me that we should prove ourselves there. She never got it wrong so I trusted her.

I let her take over control and she relished in it. She was smart she evaded every other wolf that caught on to our smell. She only slowed her pace when she felt we had reached our goal. I shifted back and dressed myself.
We had run towards a small village. When I entered the village, I quickly reached the towns square. It was surrounded by a few pubs and restaurants. I could see other shops in the other streets, but nowhere was a sign telling me there was a hotel. I sighted. I thought we should run allong, but my wolf argued me to at least check it out a little.


Ok everybody, like promised in the beginning I have kind of a surprise, but you gotta do something for it :p I know it's evil.
I was thinking about writing a short intermetzo in other chara's pov after several chapters, like for instance this one ^^

Because I still need to write these small chapters I would like some votes in return... is that ok?

If I get let's say 7 votes I will try to finish this extra part before saturday. I will upload it later if I reach only five... Is that fair?

So comment if you like and vote if you like/ want more

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