6 - best friend breakups

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I drifted asleep realizing that I had school the next day, thank the lord it was a late start. 

It hurt more emotionally than physically. I knew that I would eventually get over it, but I was still in shock. 


I slowly opened my eyes to see the clock, it was 9am, school was at 10. I felt the familiar arms of Shawn's wrapped around my body, no, this could not be happening. 

I was not only physically hurt, I was emotional hurt the most. My body tensed up by his touch. 

"Baby, its ok" Shawn said, great he was awake. 

I got up out of bed and looked at him dead in the eyes. 

"No its not Shawn! Its not okay! Leave me alone!" I held back tears. 

"Fine!" he walked out of the door and never turned back. 


In english Shawn and I sat next to each other, but staying silent, never even touched. 

At lunch I sat with Emily and Brooklyn. 

"Whats up with you and Shawn?" Emily asked me, taking a bite into her sandwich. 

"Um we kinda got into a fight." I didn't want to say too much. 

"Like what kind of fight" Brooklyn asked.

"Um..." I didn't want to say more so I shoved some food into my mouth.

"It fine, you don't have to tell us." Emily sounded disappointed but okay with it at the same time. Brooklyn usually follows whatever Emily does, so she agreed.

"Its just that you have been hanging out with him a lot, and we haven't been getting a lot of girl time" Wow, sometimes Emily can sound really sassy. 

"I'm sorry." I didn't want to talk much. 

"You aren't talking much" Emily muttered. There was a few moments of silence.

"What happened to your cheek?" Brooklyn asked.

Well I would have to tell them at some point, so why not now. "Shawn, Shawn happened."

"Wait, wait, wait, he hit you?" Brooklyn said.

"I fucking knew it" Emily said shaking her head. "I knew that something like this would happen"

"I thought he was a bad influence" Brooklyn said. 

I sat there in silence, I still liked Shawn, I just haven't forgiven him. 

"You don't see it do you?" Emily said. 

I didn't say anything, because if I told her the real answer they would be angry. 

"Wow, you're so fucking oblivious" Emily said, and got up to leave. So did Brooklyn. 

Their words cut deeper than a knife. I sat there in silence again, best friend breakups are the worst breakups. 

I just looked down at my food not wanting to eat and right as I was about to get up, Shawn sat down across from me. 

"Eat something" he said grabbing my wrist and looking at the food I barely touched. 

I started to eat, partially because I was hungry, and because if I eat, I won't have to talk. 

"Ok" he started to play with his fingers, he was nervous, "We need to at least talk about what happened" 

"Not here" I said, I don't want to talk about it at school, this is the last place I want to talk about it. 

"Um.. ok come over to my place after school" 

"Ok" I said, grabbed my plate and left, not looking back. 

---After School---

I laid down on my bed thinking if I should go over to Shawn's or not. My heart was telling me yes, but my mind wouldn't forget what he did. I couldn't talk to Emily or Brooklyn, they wouldn't even listen to me if it was anything about Shawn. 

Isn't your boyfriend suppose to be your best friend? 


I knocked on Shawn's door, and Aaliyah opened it, with a smile.

"Hey! Lauren!" she said letting me in, smiling.

"Hey" I said plastering a smile on my face. 

"Shawn is up in his room" she said closing the door, "he's been up there a lot, did something happen?" 

"Um, I'll tell you later." I said and walked up the stairs. 


this is kinda a filler oops. big stuff happening next i have like 3 chapters planned out yay.



also sorry i haven't updated for awhile, school ew. 

ok ill stop talking byeeeeeeeee


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