Galaxy Way Cafe ;)

254 9 1

Scorpio pov

To scorpio
Hey. You wanna talk. Galaxy way. 4:00 Thursday. Dont be late
From him❤️💔

To him❤️💔
Oh my gosh thank you
From scorpio


I jump out of my seat and start running. I had to meet Taurus at Galaxy Way Cafe in an hour.

I was not ready. Maybe I should call for a sleepover with the girls. They arent as bad as i would think and we all have our own personalities.

I look at my watch <3:45>

Im going to be late! I run faster than ever but stumble when i trip over someones foot i look over and see leo.

"Hey girl. Wanna be mine" i roll my eyes

"I definitely want to date the player." I say batting my eyelashes

I look down again <3:55>

i start running again and run through the door. I scan the room my breathe catching in my throat.

I see taurus but hes kissing pisces. 

Zodiac HighDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora