What happened?

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Leos pov

We finally get to the house. We see all the zodiac girls sitting with a few dancing. Oh this is gonna be fun.

"Ok boys what were going to do is one of us will go up to the door and ask to come in." I say

"I will the ladies cant resist me," libra says

"Ok then, libra will lead them to the back for some reason then the rest of us will go in and hide." I finish

I hear a chorus of yes and lets do this.

"Libra get into position." I whisper as i crawl into a bush

"Ok, here i go," libra says
Libras pov

-knock knock-

Theres hushed voices and soon tge door is opening. Of course my crush, pisces, answers.

"Libra is that you?" She says

"Y-y-yes p-p-please let me in im s-s-scared." I say shaking

"Hurry come in " she pulls me in

Part one is working now for part two.  Pisces leads me into the room where the rest of the girls are. After pisces says im scared for some reason a few of the girls run up and hug me.

"Guys we all go check the backyard," i say

They all look really confused but do as i say. As they start walking i unlock the door.

Zodiac HighDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora