Chappie~7 ...Why...?

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Bill dragged Dipper into the dreamscape "Why do you want me in the mindscape?" he ask as Bill floats next to him "Well iTs thE onLy waY I caN Shape shIft withouT loSing mY powErs.." Bill answers  followed by his Body transforms into a human like structure


"DIPPER?! Yo bro where are you??" Mabel yells in the now empty house soon enough a knock was heard

'Ah that must be him' Mable mused as she made her way to the door. Her eyes widen in surprise at the sight in front of her. "W-what do you want?" Mabel asks


"...This will be great! All i have to do is lit this here....that there...Ah! Done!" Stan says as he steps back to look at his handy work. The sight in front of him is his new attraction the " woodsy gecko" as he calls it.

The strange creature was a stuffed gecko with wooden holes in it (it looks like he just cut holes in it then put wood there) "ok..little fella lets get you back to the shack.." Stan says as he picks up the rather heavy animal.


Ford sat in his lab journal 1 & 2 in hand "this is going to be one hell of an experiment..if i get this right i can finally defeat Bill. Hell even Kill him." all Ford worked for all he has done to create these pain of books has came to this. He has to defeat Bill..or they are ALL in danger.


Word count: 321

Hey guys! Long time no read/write Eh?

Hahaha...yeah ABOUT that have just been readin' other peoples books

Yes yes i know this is a short chappie!

Well~! Thats because its NOT a chappie its just a mini!Chappie

Writers usually use this to clear tension between chappies

Ok Well




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