Chapter 22

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Today was the day of the first event and I hadn’t been feeling too good, actually lately I have been feeling really weak “Are you sick?”

I let go of my stomach and gazed up at Draco “I’m fine, why would you think I’m sick?”

“Well you just look like you are sick and you have been clutching your stomach a lot lately.” he sat down beside me and rubbed my back.

I touched my stomach again, feeling queasy and pains “I think it might be because I haven’t been eating very much. No need to worry though I also might just be nervous about the tournament.” I held his hand and kissed him on the cheek “Come on. I’m sure everyone is ready for us to start the event.” I grabbed my broom from my trunk while Draco grabbed his and we walked down to the quidditch pitch.

I stood in the middle of the pitch placing my wand at my neck “Welcome to the first event, now as I mentioned before everyone is allowed to attack and defend themselves accordingly. The course for this race will be starting here racing around the dragon pavilion just past the forbidden forest and from there around the castle back to this point. The ones to pass the next round will be the ones who make it back here without any assistance; Professor Snape will be here to write down your names. Draco, the other professors, and myself will be tending to the hurt students making sure no one is seriously injured.”

I looked around the pitch at all the scared faces, I wasn’t going to put them in more danger than necessary “Now all first years come down and mount your brooms.”

I waited about five minutes for all the first years to mount their brooms; I blew my whistle to watch all first years practically fall off their brooms. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of Draco shaking his head, I laughed and blew my whistle “I’m sorry but none of you are going on to the next event, most of you couldn’t even hover on your brooms. Please go back to the stands. Second years down here now!”

They all scrambled to get down in the stands, when they were all in front of me I blew my whistle; they hovered above and flew off in the direction of the forbidden forest. “Let’s go Draco.”

We both mounted our brooms and took off after the students; most of the second years could barely maneuver their brooms without using spells to their advantage.

I blew my whistle to call back all the students, when I got back to the pitch I shouted out to everyone “It seems that there are not many great students this year in Hogwarts so I have decided to change my rules a bit. How many of you actually believe you can complete the first two events to compete against me in a duel?”

Most of the Slytherins raised their hands and I was glad to see Cross and Parkinson among them, very few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws had their hands raised. I looked over to the Gryffindors crowd to see only about half of them with their hands raised “So much for Gryffindors being brave.” I mumbled to Draco just to see him chuckle to himself.

“Alright it seems those who want to participate have decided. Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws will race against each other first.”

All of them came down to the pitch; there were only about 25 people in total but someone caught my eye in the crowd, her red hair made her stand out from the rest “I will be the one to beat you and win this tournament Riddle.” I smirked “I’m looking to hold you to your word Weasley.” I blew my whistle and mounted my broom rushing off after them, to my surprise though none of them seemed to be attacking each other just racing.

“Draco we need to make them attack!” Draco nodded and we both rushed forward and started to attack all the students on their brooms. I purposely missed many of them, but they seemed to just fall off their brooms. I came up behind Luna Lovegood and threw a jinx her way, she blocked it. I continued on testing the other flyers until they were throwing hexes and counters to protect themselves.

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