(7) As Luck Would Have It

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                                           (7)          As Luck Would Have It



           As luck, or any of her modern siblings, would have it,  Lara and Vee were sharing a light breakfast of muffins, orange slices and Kenyan coffee precisely as Andrew realised that not only was his only acceptable bread product frozen bagels but that the coffee cream was exhausted and that about a cupful of 2% would have to suffice.  It briefly crossed his mind that Vee, and probably Hetty, if she were around, would have taken note of this and taken appropriate measures the night before.  As Jordan had yet to make an appearance he took his chance to nip out and corral some fresh bread from Hot Buns Etc., and coffee cream and, now that he thought of it, eggs and cheese from Fortinos.  Oh my, touch of frost on the windshield, can’t have that now, can we?

           The journey of a day began with just a short drive.  And being Rowanton, a short pleasant drive.  The bakery had its very own line up, as it often did that time in the morning.  Having already flushed out those who crammed in before the work shuttle to points east, it now catered to moms with tots in suv strollers, joggers without jobs, exercising retirees and sundry locals who lived close enough to walk over.  If downtown Rowanton had not been planned well, it had certainly evolved carefully.  There were many condos and apartment buildings in the core that provided the residents with easy store access and the businesses with a ready supply of customers.  Andrew had already imagined himself retired here, crazy as it felt for such a young fellow who could easily afford any of the more exotic lazy bones locales around the globe.  Ah there’s the old Andrew popping up his head, he thought, standing in line, with all his old working guy ideas.  Time for him to step aside.

             The trip through Fortinos was quick and easy, slowed only by his fussing over cheese.  They only stocked the basics of imports but just enough to get silly and choosy over.  He should have had a coffee first, he thought for maybe the seventh time since getting into the car, standing beside the various pre-ground blends.

            When he pulled up at the end of the driveway he could see Jordan, in coat and scarf, standing by the water’s edge, very still and staring.  He grabbed his bags and headed in, leaving his guest to private contemplation.  When he’d perked and sliced and prepared he walked to the front door to call.


              Jordan turned slowly to peer at him smiling.  He raised his right hand, flat palm facing him, and bent the finger tips down two or three times.  Andrew laughed and returned inside.

              Nice lake you got there.

              Absolutely.  Liked it when I lived in the city, and now I feel blessed by it.

              Oh it loves you alright.  No question there.

              So it notices us does it?  The great swaying lady of our dreams? 

              She’s conscious of everything, in it, around it, above it.

              A giant mass of sentience then?

              Can’t prove it though can we?

              Ah hell, who can be bothered?  Let the sceptics stew in their own juice.

Parking The ZeitGeist And Just Walking (The Scottish Psychic Vol.2)Where stories live. Discover now