LuHan(Not Requested)

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Park Min Ah's POV
I was newly married to Xi Lu Han and we are in our honeymoon in Jeju Island and we checked in our rooms Luhan just kiss me on the cheek on the wedding and i was frowning going here

When we arrived at the hotel he ignoredme fir the whole day and i was unpacking my things and when i finished unpacking i got the bikini hat i got when i was unpacking and went to the bathroom to change"Luhan i am going to the beach!"I yelled and went to the elevator

Skip(at the beach)

When i arrived at the beach i quickly removed my top and bottom and swam around

When i felr i hit something hard that there is a bruise"Owww!"I yelp in pain and i went out of the water and quickly get the towel and went off to the hotel

At the room

I arrived in the room and saw that Luhan was watching TV and i quickly go to the bedroom and put the ice pack that i requested to get before i went here.on my bruise and i yelp in pain and after for more yelps came from my mouth the door bursted open to se a man looking worried and irritated

"Can i help you?"I said and plastered a fake smile because of the pain on my head "Why are yelping?"He said irritated"Umm... my head hit the wall and i-it's o-okay now s-so g-go c-continue w-what a-are y-you d-oing o-outside"I said Uhh i am so bad at lying"Min Ah i know your lieing but your worst thing is to lie"He said"ihaveabruiseandihitthestone hardly"I said quickly"Let me see"he said amd i shook my head left to right and he pulled me close to him and he kiss the bruise and i blush light pink and when i was going to stand he held my wrist and pull me down

And he started to.....

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