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Requested by:YaniaRosario on the top Jin and Momo sorry if i am not that creative because u was in a hurry making this and my sched. is very hectic so yeah and thus smut will be fast because i had a lot of request

Yania's POV
I am a nerd here in school i am always bullied by the students here because i am the nerd but the real is i am a kpop idol and i am a one of the members of TWICE they are fans of TWICE but they became abbusive to the nerds so i help the other nerds that's why i am being joined in being punished and i always bump into the kingkas.The kingkas are the kpop group BTS i had a huge crush on one of the members his name is Jin his really handsome and funny i secretely watch them from afar so they won't notice.I was currently in the class listening to the teacher while the students are disturbing me but ignored them and just listened to the teacher and jatting down notes.I accudentally fell my pen when someone throw something hard on my head and i look what it was and it was a pen so i just decided fo get my pen i look on the floor and saw my pen under Jin'/ desk so i bent down to get my pen and finally i got it continued jatting down

Jin's POV
I saw that Yania's pen fell under my desk she bent down to get her pen and i could see her boobs from here and she quickly sat up and continued jatting down notes after she got her pen.I had a huge crush at her because she has a nice body and she is very talented she is good at singing and dancing and i love her very much but ican't because i am the kingka i can't even talk to her whenever she bump into us and cutely ap9logised

Yania's POV
I can't take it anymore i will ask the girls to move here with me.I am currently being punched and kick by my classmates because i didn't do there assignments i was too busy to do all assignments ok back to reality they stop kicking and punchjng me i look up and saw the kingkas fighting them Jin came near me"Are you ok?"Jin said and i suddenly black out

I came over to Yania"Are you ok?"I asked and she black out i shake her"Yania!"I shouted and check her pulse it was beating so she was unconscious"Guys let's bring her to the hospital"I said and they nodded i slowly stood up and carrued Yania to our van and went to the hospital"help somebody help us"Jungkook started acting and nurse came over with stretchers"what happen?"one nurse asked"she was punch and kick by my classnates"I said and followed them inside the emergency room"Sir you can't come in"another 3 nurse stop me from getting in"No please let me in"I shouted and the guys help the nurse and tried to calm me down"hyung she will be fine don't worry"Jimib said"I agree on that and don't lost hope"Jhope said and a small smile appeared"kamsamnida"I wishpered and sighed heavily

One hour has passed finally the doctor came out"Doc what happened?"I said"Are you her family?"Doc said"No were her classmates we don't know were her parents is"Suga said"ok she had some bruise that will be healed foe awhile and some scratches"Doc said and i sighed in relief"is she awake?"Rap mon said"she's asleep you can now visit her"Doc said"kamsamnida"We said and bowed at the doctor and he left"guys can you stay here for awnhile?"I asked and they nodded i went in and sat down at a vacant chair nearby her i held her hand"Anneng Yania i am really sorry if i didn't help you that much at school with the guys i had a big secret that the guys only know'I paused and kissed her hand"i really like you and i had feelings for you the day you entered the school and i think you don't like me back so i just stalk you because of some idiots are following you i am an idiot too because i had a crush on a nerd but for me it's not about the beauty it's about your personality and your aura is always strong and that's the one i like tio you the most"I finished my speech i was going to remove my hand and leave she held my hand tightly i widen my eyes in shock Did she heard all of that?? Oh my i am sooo dead after this she opened her eyes"you like me?"Yania said hoarsely i just stared at her not moving an inch and sghe tried sitting up but wince so i stood up and help her sit up"You heared all of that?"I said and she nodded and i died inside"I like you too the moment i saw you passby infront of me with the guys"Yania said and i immadiately stood up and bant to kiss her plump pink lips it was soft we kissed passionately and lovely and she pulled away were both breatheless"will you be my girlfriend?"I asked and she nodded happily

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