Seventeen - Jun - Chinese

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You had been assigned with Jun for the class project and couldn't help but giggle at his broken Korean. When you did he looked at you worried.

"OMO did I say something wrong." Jun asked concerned.

"Aniyo oppa, gwenchanayo." You return with a smile trying not to giggle again, " If it's easier though I understand quite a bit of Chinese, I just can't speak fluently in it yet."

"Zhen de ma?"(Really?) He asks you in Mandarin. 

"Shi."(Yes.)You answer with a smile, " I might have to speak in Korean some though, cause I can't speak well in Chinese." 

Jun nods and continues to explain his idea to you in Chinese. Once you finished the project the two of you decided to hang out and just do your homework together even though you had a few different classes.

"Oppa?" You asked once you got to a certain question on your Chinese homework, "What does this mean?" 

Jun looked at the word you pointed out and explained it to you so you could continue on with your homework.

"Y/N? What does this mean?" He asked pointing to something on his Korean homework. The rest of the time you two spent that day you were going back and forth with helping each other with the different languages. You also decided that the two of you should get together at least once a week and do homework together because of how easy and fun it was. Only in less than a month it went from just being homework, to being a homework and a date. And to be honest you really loved your Chinese boyfriend, and not just because he could help you get A's on your homework.

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