Chapter 3

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Barry showed me around the forensics lab, which was actually really nice. I checked my watch and saw that it was 2:45. Barry was just finishing up some work that he had when I told him what time it was.
He put away his stuff and grabbed his coat, as did I.
We were walking out of the precinct when I got a call from Stella. I answered, "Hey Stells we are leaving the precinct right now."
"Okay good, wait what?! Who else is there? Did u find me my future husband?"
" No, I just met Barry. And he is not for you."
"Well who is he for then? You? HUH U LIKE HIM AND U JUST MET HI-"
"Would you shut up I'm pretty sure all of Central City can hear you!"
"Good because quite frankly you need some action in your life. You have so much pent up sexual frustration and from the tone of your voice-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence or I will murder you when I see you in like the next 5 minutes. And I don't know how good of hearing he has so shut up."
"Nope you can't shut me up because we live in a free country and I have rights!!!"
"Fine whatever we are almost at Jitters. Are you there yet?"
" Yeah I'm here want me to order drinks? Or do you guys want to order when you get here?"
"Well we are right outside and-wait I see you, bye"
Barry and I walked into CCJitters together and Stella flagged us down.When we got to the table Stella said out loud "Damn, he's cute!" I gasped and then rolled my eyes. Barry just said, " Why thank you and you are very cute yourself. I'm Barry by the way and you are-"
"Stella, Alli's roommate and best friend. If you even think of hurting her I will hunt you down and bury you alive."
I chimed in at that point by telling Barry not to worry most of her threats are empty.
He said okay, but I could still see him looking a little pale afters Stella's remark. He offered to go get us our drinks and food. When he left I slowly turned towards Stella. She was strategically avoiding my gaze.
"Stella are you trying to scare him away? I just met the poor guy."
"I was just warning him that if he ever did hurt you then I would hunt him down and bury him alive, like I already said."
"Whatever just please don't scare him off because he is really nice and-"
"And super cute-"
"That too, I was going to say funny, but the adjective you chose works very well."
Barry came back with our drinks a couple of seconds after Stella and I finished our conversation.
"Hahaha, hold on wait let me get this straight, Alli you did what when you were in high school?"
"Well Barry I was actually really into emo and the whole idea of being goth and the gothic styling, so I was goth from sophomore year till junior year. I even wore a black wig because there was no way that my mom was ever going to let me dye my hair jet black."
Barry had a look of complete shock on his face when Stella jumped in with,"It's true, believe me. I tried so many times during that period of time to talk her out of it but believe me it only took her about a year for everything to click in that her black wigged head of hers. I even have to pictures on my phone to prove it if you don't believe me."
"Okay no and you are not allowed to show him those photos at all. And now that you Barry know something embarrassing about
my high school career, spill."
"Um... I was a huge science geek and I still am. I was bullied a lot and it sucked. So yeah."
"That is neither funny nor embarrassing,that's just sad and depressing," Stella said.
"Barry I'm sorry to hear about that," I said.
"Nah it's fine, it wasn't your fault."
"Yeah, but still I wish that I could do something about it, but I can't because you can't go back in time."
"That's really nice of you to say."
"Your welcome," I said back to him as I checked my watch and it was already 3:50.
"Stells you really should be heading back to work, don't you think?(ahem)"
"Oh yeah...I have that thingy that I have do...yeah so I'll be going. Barry it was very nice meeting you today, I hope that we can all do this again soon. I'll see you at home tonight sis. Love you!" Stella said as she was leaving. Barry looked at me with a weird look on his face,"Wait are you two sisters or is that just like a term of endearment that you call each other with?"
"It's a term of endearment, because Stella and I grew up together, we did everything together, we still do everything together , I call her mom "mom", same for her dad, also same thing for her with my parents, and all of her relatives think that I'm a part of the family because I go to like all of their outings and parties that they have."
"Cool, do you want to go back to the precinct? Or do you want to go home?"
"Um... I don't know, well because Stella isn't going to home until about 5-5:30ish. I've actually been dying to go on a tour of the city because I'm actually still fairly new here."
"Well I'd be more than happy to take you on a tour of Central City being that I grew up here and that I work here."
"Ok perfect. Let me just run to the ladies room really quick and I'll be right back out and then we can go."
I came out of the bathroom and Barry was waiting by the door of the restaurant. I went up to him and we walked out of CCJitters to go on a tour of Central City.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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