chapter 6

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Hannah's P.O.V

I grabbed my carry on and stretched. A 20 hour plane ride can take a toll on a girl.

We walked out into a busy British air port. Deva scanned the room for someone.

Over in a corner I found five people with shades and hoods.

"Vi, De, they're over here." I said and looked at the five figures.

"Uh, Hannah you got company again." Deva motioned to a bunch of paparazzi taking pictures of me.

I dashed to the dark corner with the five people and pulled my wig out of my purse.

I put sun glasses on and fixed my 'hair' in a hand mirror.

Deva and Violet came rushing over.

"So I'm guessing your One Direction?" I asked.

"Yep! Nice to meet you love! Your vary pretty!" A husky voice said.

I noticed some curls.

"Thanks Harry." I smiled.

"Look! There they are!" A guy screamed. We started to run a they followed us snapping one picture after another.

"Perrie! Why are you wearing a wig!"

"Perrie! Are you pregnant!"

"Perrie who are these other girls?"

"Hey Blondie are you Louis girlfriend!"

"You with the purple hair! Are you Perrie's cousin?"

We all just kept our heads down and ran to a van.

Once we where in I ripped off the stupid itchy wig.

"Those stupid paparazzi! Who the hell is this Perrie chick? I mean my name is Hannah! Not Perrie." I groaned frustrated.

"So that happens to you a lot?" Niall asks.

"Every time were out in public. She always gets these people snapping pictures asking for autographs." Violet rolled her eyes.

"And you never looked Perrie up?" Liam asked.

"No, I just don't want to waste my time with nothing." I shrugged.

"Being chased from paparazzi is nothing?" Zayn asked.

"Well I guess it is. But I'm sure it will blow over soon." I shrugged. I heard Zayn mumble something.

We pulled up to a 'flat' that I guessed was theirs and they brought our bags in.

"I'll show you your room Per-Hannah!" Harry said nervously.

I smiled at him and followed him up to my room.

I got to the door and opened it.

It was beautiful.

The carpet was blue grey that matched the walls, the trim was white, I had a closet, a desk, a TV, a stereo, and a bathroom, my bed was a queen with blue white and grey plaid bed set.

I smiled and walked over to the window seat.

"Wow this room is beautiful Harry." I sigh and look out the window.

"Not as beautiful as you Hannah." He smiled cheekily.

I laughed.

"So my room is next door. Deva is on the other side of you. Violet is across the hall. Zayn is next to her, Niall is next to him. Up stairs is Louis and Liam. We have a pool outside. And a game room. There's a music room in the basement. I'll leave you to get unpacked." He said and closed the door.

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