2- Weekends Suck

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The next day I go to the shoe store hoping to see Holden, but I'm disappointed when I see a middle aged woman behind the counter. Her name tag read Quin.
" excuse me, Quin, my name is Alexis and I was here yesterday looking for the purple shoes in an 8. The young man at the counter. Holden. Told me to come back today." I explain.
"Holden get out here there's a girl who says you helped her yesterday!" She yelled.
Holden stuck his gorgeous head out of the door and said. "Yeah, I uh got the shoes right here" he handed Quin the shoe box. "$70 please" she says. I hand her the money and walk out of the store. I drove myself home in my blue Lexus.

The rest of this Saturday is gonna be so boring. When I get home I watch Netflix, take a bath, watch YouTube videos, check snapchat (there was nothing), check Instagram (still only 100 followers I don't have very many friends), and play video games with Tristan. That was my day. I go to bed and hope for something to do in the morning. I wake up and have a boring day. WEEKENDS SUCK!!!

It's now Monday. I throw on my uniform and eat eat quickly. I get a ride in the limo to school. My first class is English. When I sit down I notice someone sitting beside me. It's Holden. I've never seen him at school before.  Mrs. Diana calls his name and asks him to stand and tells us about himself.
" Hi my name is Holden and I work at a shoe store in the mall. My grades were really high so my parents thought that private school might offer more for me. I'm 16 and yeah that's about it." He tells us. Before he sits down he flashed me a smile. I blushed. During class I kind of zoned out until I heard my name being called. "Alexis can I talk to you for a minute."
It was Mrs. Diana. I went outside the classroom with her.
" Alexis your grades have been low this term and I understand that you would not like your parents to find out so I thought maybe I could set you up with a tutor"
I was shocked.
" uh well as long as you don't tell my parents then I guess I'm fine with it" I say.
She smiles and I carry on with my day.

At the end of the day I'm at my locker getting my book bag when Mrs. Diana shows up behind me.
"Alexis I would like you too meet your new tutoror"
I turn around and see Holden standing beside Mrs. Diana with a grin on his face.

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Thanks for reading. I hope it's a good book.
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