3- Instagram Fiasco

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So now here I am in the limo with Holden siting right beside me.
"Ok so when we get to your place we should go over essay structure first then maybe you should have an attempt at an essay is that ok?" Holden asks. I was looking at him but I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying I was just looking at his intense blue eyes.
"Ok?" He repeats.
"Uh ya" I say not even caring what I was agreeing to.
During the tutoring session Holden actually taught me quite a bit and I felt confident that I could write an essay and get a decent mark.
We agreed to meet again everyday after school. We also exchanged numbers just in case I was confused on something he taught me or had to cancel a tutoring session.
When left so I pick my IPhone6plus and search him on Instagram. It takes me a while but eventually I find a private account with a profile picture that looked like him. I send a request to follow him.
Now I play the waiting game. I wait and wait until finally at 10:00 pm he accepts me request. I can now see all of his Instagram posts. I scroll though them being extra careful not to accidentally like a post from months ago. Once I get to the last pic which is of him and one of his friends at the beach from a year ago I decide to go to sleep. Before I turn my phone off my sister Simone comes into the room and takes my phone. I didn't even know she was home!
"Oooooo he's cute. LIKE!" He exclaims as she likes the photo. I gasp. He's going to think I'm a complete stalker!!!!!!!
" Get out! Get out!! You have just ruined my life!!!" I scream as I shove Simone in to the hallway and slam my door in her face. Then I immediately unlike the photo.
What am I going to do now! Maybe he won't notice some people don't check Instagram often. Ugh who am I kidding i am a creepy weirdo stalker chick!
Holden isn't  at school!!!! I think its because of me!!!!
I go through the entire day worrying about the Instagram fiasco. Just before I'm about to leave I get a message from Holden. My heart is racing. I don't know weather to open it or not. I don't want to face the embarrassment that my sister has caused me. I open the message bracing myself for complete utter embarrassment.
Hi Alexis, I have fallen ill during the night. I will not be attending school nor will I be able to attend our daily tutoring session today. I apologize for any inconvenience.
I release a sigh or relief. He must of not noticed the like. Wow his texts are so professional. I like it. I'm not sure what to reply back maybe 'that's alright tomorrow for sure hope you feel better' then a smiley face? No he disintegrated use an emoji so I would be weird if I did. What about 'that totally ok with me feel better see you tomorrow'? Nope that's a big run on sentence not professional enough. Maybe, 'greeting tutor and fellow classmate. I am deeply sorry that you have fallen ill. hopefully you will return to school. It's alright with me if you cannot attend this session maybe next time'? Definitely not way too professional. I think I have an idea.
I'm sorry your sick. I think I'll be ok without a session today. I hope your feeling better:)
I send it. The message sounded a lot like me and I was happy with it. It was hard enough to text Holden but what am I gonna do tomorrow when I have to talk to him?


Thank for reading I really appreciate it :)
I apologize I haven't updated it a while I haven't had any real good ideas for this story and I'm kinda stuck. I know this chapter was kinda pointless and stupid, but I wanted you too know how much Alexis likes Holden. I feel like Alexis kinda acts young for her age she's not really mature. What are your thoughts on Alexis???

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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