His Prince Who Loves Roses

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I've finally found him. After months of searching by attending balls or by private invitations. I have found my prince, roaming through my gardens only stopping when he came across my patch of roses. I lean against the balcony's edge of my room with my head propped up on my arm as I watch him in great interest. He took his time smelling each rose, enjoying the scent. He wears extravagant red silk robes that trails behind him, adorned with black lace and few jewels. Astonishing. I could watch him all day if I could.

I was broken from my trance when I heard him yelp. I stood up straight and strained my eyes to see what could have happened to him. Only then did I see the line of blood trickle down the length of his finger. Within seconds I'm out of my room, practically flying down the staircase in hurry to help my prince.  

"Your Highness, a private invitation has arrived!" One of the servants calls out but I ignore him.

I push open the castle doors and rush to the gardens. But sadly, when I came to the patch of roses, he is no longer there. I let out a sigh and look at the roses. I decided to pluck one and head back inside.

"Your Highness, a potential wife is kept waiting in the throne room. My Queen has ordered me to escort you for having ignored the messenger" a small maid explained with a hint of slight fear in her voice.

"I have no interest in this..'potential wife'. I have already found the person I wish to marry" I wave her off so I could go search for my lost prince.

"If I may speak, your highness," I nod for her to continue, "it would best if you tell them instead of me," she bows.

I grunt in annoyance, "you speak the truth, I will head over there now." She bows once more and follows behind me as we make our way to the throne room.

Getting closer I can hear loud talks about weddings and future plans for the kingdom. So they are set on me marrying the woman they invited? Hm, it is almost sad that I have to break the news to my parents. Why? Well, I'm their only child, so I need to produce an heir to continue the royal line. But to even think about entering a woman's wet heat, I shiver. I'd much rather relish a man, my prince to be specific.

"Alexander, you know it is rude to keep a lady waiting!" My mother, the queen scolds me from her seat on the throne.

"Yes about that mother-"

"I am sorry for such rudeness, he usually isn't like this."

"Oh, it's quite alright, no harm done"  another female voice brought my attention to the group of visitors.

"Alexander, meet your fiancé, Lila."

"A pleasure to meet you, I do hope we are a perfect match" the small woman walks over and reaches her hand out.

Although I wanted nothing to do with her, I didn't want to be entirely rude and offend them, so I took her hand and bow.

"A pleasure, but I can not-"

"Now that you two have met each other we must plan a date for the wedding and coronation. It must be extravagant, all the royals far and wide are invited!" My mother says excitedly, with my father beside her, slightly nodding.

I quickly let go of her hand, "Mother if you'll listen to me, I have already found who I wish to marry!"

"Nonsense! After how many balls and invitations you had found no one. So we picked one for you. You will marry Lila and carry on our bloodline."

"I can not do that! I-" our bickering stop when I the doors open again and in came my prince.

"There you are brother! You are late to meet my husband" Lila say angrily at him.

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