Chapter Eight

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 Athena was running down a never-ending hallway. The walls were crashing down beside her, and the floor crumbled underneath her feet. If only she could get to the door. She needed to get to the door. Her life depended on her reaching that door. But each step brought her further and further away from the door. She looked behind her and screamed as she saw Effie flying through the air toward her. 

"You will pay!" Effie screamed. Her hair flowed wildly behind her, and blood came out of her mouth, spraying everywhere. Her glowing eyes had spurts of fire coming out of them. "Athena! Athena!" Her voice wasn't like how it was back at the asylum. Back there, she had a voice like a little girl, but now, her voice was deeper and hoarser. It sounded more evil than it already was. The voice almost sounded familiar to her, but she couldn't place whom the voice belonged.

"No!" Athena screamed at her. "Stay away from me! Get away!" She turned back to run towards the door. She was so close. The door was in reach. If only she could get her hand close enough to the knob, she would be able to get out. Tears streamed down her face as she strained to reach the door. Her legs ached as she continued to run. She reached out her arm when without warning the world started to shake. She started to lose her footing as the ground beneath her shook violently. She looked down to see cracks growing underneath her feet. She stopped moving, afraid of falling through any of the cracks if she moved an inch. She looked behind her to see Effie closer than she was before. Her heart dropped as she saw how close she was to her now. 

"Athena!" Effie screamed behind her. Effie was now so close that she could see the blue and purple veins threatening to pop out of her skin. Athena cringed as she looked at her. 

Athena suddenly sat up with a shot in bed causing pain to shoot through her leg. She was breathing hard and covered in sweat. Her hair stuck to her face as she sat there breathing hard. She felt a hand on her shoulder, making her jump and move away from the touch. She cried out and covered her face with her arms, trying to protect herself from whomever it was that touched her. 

"Athena! Athena!" Derek sat beside her on her bed, holding his hand out. His eyes were filled with hurt and worry. If only he knew what she had been dreaming about. "It's okay. It's only me." He reached out again and waited until Athena wrapped her arms around his neck that he hugged her back. She held onto him tightly as if she was afraid that this was all part of the dream. 

Athena never wanted to let him go. If she did, she didn't know what could happen to either of them. She felt afraid. She felt as if Effie was still in the room with her, waiting for her chance to tear her apart and get her revenge. Her eyes searched the room desperately trying to find any sign of her inside the room. 

"Shh." He tried to soothe her by patting her back and petting her head. He had seen their mother do this to calm her when they were younger, but he was awkward. He never knew how to comfort her. "It's okay, I've got you. You only had a nightmare."

Athena shook her head. She tried to lean into his touch and let him comfort him the way that her mother had once comforted them both, but she didn't relax. She couldn't relax. No matter how hard she tried. She closed her eyes. "I know," she whispered. "But it looked so real." Derek sat there next to her until she calmed down and faked relaxed. She knew that he wasn't going to leave her alone until she showed that she was okay. She looked up at him and asked, "Where's Ginger?"

As if she knew they were talking about her, Ginger came running through the open door and jumped onto the bed. Ginger came and satin Athena's lap, licking her face and whining. Her butt shook back and forth. She was happy that Athena was home. Ginger started to sniff her body, looking for anything that might worry her. 

Athena laughed as she was trying to push her off of her. "Hi, Ginger, hi!" She continued laughing until Ginger calmed down and placed her head in her lap. "I'm happy to see you too, girl." She placed her hand on her red-furred head, a headache was starting to form, and turned her attention back to Derek. "How long was I having my nightmare?"

Derek shrugged and started to pet Ginger, not looking at her. "I don't know. I've been trying to wake you up for at least five minutes." He looked up at her with worry in his eyes. "Athena, you were screaming bloody murder."

Athena looked down and pulled the covers tighter around her. The air around her was starting to get colder. She looked around the room again but didn't see any of her windows that were open. Derek must have to air on, she thought to herself. Effie couldn't be here. The only other reason that it had gotten cold in the room was that he had turned the air on. 

"What were you dreaming about?" Derek slowly asked her. His voice betrayed his fear for her. He noticed her pulling the blankets up around her and raced to get her another blanket. He came back and wrapped his around her shoulders.

She gave him a small smile as a thank you before answering him. "Effie," she whispered.

"Who?" Derek wasn't usually a patient person, but with her right now he was. She was thankful for that. 

Athena looked at her brother and fought the tears that were threatening to form and fall down her cheeks. "Effie, the girl who locked me in that hole and prevented me from leaving the asylum. I-" She looked down and bit her lip still trying to fight the tears. She had cried too much these past couple of days and can feel a slight headache forming from it. "I was running through the hallway back at the asylum, trying to get to the front door, but I never got close to it. The walls and floor were breaking and falling around me. I turned when I heard a scream behind me and saw Effie flying through the air! And-and there was blood flowing out of her mouth." She hugged her knees and rocked back and forth letting the tears flow. The headache that was forming was getting stronger. She looked up at her brother. "I need some water."

Derek gave her a quick hug again and stood up. He reached for the glass of water sitting on her nightstand and gave it to her. "It was only a dream, sis. Whatever was in that asylum can't hurt you anymore."

She hoped he was right. 


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