Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I realized a long time ago I needed a job but it wasn’t until Lizzie started breathing her Cosmo tips down my neck when I realized that if I didn’t get one soon, I would be going to jail for murdering my stepsister.

Makeovers, fashion, boyfriends and anything that had to do with romance just wasn’t my thing. I mean don’t get me wrong, I live for harlequin romances and the Cinderella stories but in real life I can hardly base them off myself. Especially when the last romance I’ve encountered was at a party in the ninth grade where I had to go into the closet for seven minutes with an absolute prick. I didn’t even want to touch him let alone kiss him but before I could move away, his lips were on mine. They were sweaty, huge, and smelled like road kill, so you can imagine the horror of that experience.

It really traumatized me and ever since then I have been scared to kiss a guy because for one, we bumped teeth, two his slimy tongue ended up down my throat and three, I didn’t know when to stop kissing him so we went on like that for about the whole seven minutes. That night I made sure to brush my teeth at least ten times and then ten more times that morning.

If I can, I try to avoid dating altogether but having a friend like Val, that wasn’t an easy task. She always dragged me out of the house and got me to go out with one of her boyfriend’s friends or cousins. Nothing ever happened because I hated blind dates and something always went wrong but the last one had seemed promising.

We never officially met but the way she described him, made me want to meet him. His name is J. He loves music just as much as I do and even sings. She says he looks somewhat like a mixture between Adam Brody and Alex Rodriguez (the actor from Katy Perry’s Hot n Cold video). And the biggie is he likes girls who are not into all the girly stuff and loves AC/DC.

If only I would have stayed home for the summer, I could have met him. But as fate would have it, I missed my opportunity to go out with him. I mean maybe sparks wouldn’t have flown, who knows? But it would have been a nice change from the douchebags she always found for me.

Now I sat in the living room with a Cosmo mag waving in my face, making me miss my favorite scene in the Charmed episode where Phoebe finds out that Cole is the Source.

“You should really be looking at this mag especially the tips they have on makeovers. You could really use one. I mean look at those awful nail bids,” the source of all evil named Lizzie replied. I observed my clear fingernails, which were bitten down to the skin, and then at her seamlessly glossy pink fingernails.

Then I looked up at my aggravating stepsister and gave her a huge grin. If she wanted to play the bug your sister all day long card, well I was game. Snatching the mag out of her hands, I took it and walked over to the window, opening it.

“What are you doing,” she said in shock.

“The only thing I need to do is throw this God awful mag outside. It’s pointless and for airheads like yourself,” I replied, throwing the mag out the window.

She screamed out, “You bitch!”

“Nope wrong again, it’s the Bitch and don’t you ever forget it,” I said, clapping my hands together and sitting back in my seat. Things were quiet for a while and I thought she was done bugging me for the day but then she came walking in front of the TV blocking another one of my favorite scenes.

 “Please, you think you’re so special just because you have a voice but that’s all you have is a voice. There’s a lot of people out there that have voices but never get noticed. Truth is you don’t have the looks nor the talent to make it just like your pathetic mother.” She put her hands over her hips and waited for my reply.

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