Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Having a job was no joke especially one as demanding as this one. You would think being a bookstore clerk would be the easiest job in the world but my job consisted of not only scanning books at the register, but I had to restock, help customers find books, clean up any mishaps (which was pretty damn often in the children’s section), and assist authors at their book signing/reading. It was exhausting but at least it kept me away from running errands for Margaret and hearing Lizzie’s annoying mouth all day.

One rewarding thing about my job at least, is that I got a chance to catch up on my reading and read books for free. Another thing is that I got to sing on the karaoke machine but I usually waited till around closing time to sing.

One night it was just me in the Commons since Sandra had to leave early and Mr. Brickman, my boss, also had to leave early. So I was left to lock up. After locking up the bookstore department and the restaurant, I went into the bar part and started for the karaoke machine.

I randomly selected a song by closing my eyes and hitting the play button. The song that came up had me cracking up because it reminded me of the day at the mall.

“Na na na come on…” the karaoke machine spewed out. It was that S&M song by Rihanna that I kept hearing constantly on the radio.

I found myself swaying back and forth to the beat and getting into the song. I wasn’t a fan of sadomasochism but I had to admit this song was catchy.

I turned my back on the fake audience I created in my head and gave them a little tease. Shaking my hips or at least my pretend hips and snapping my fingers as I sang the chorus. I jumped off the stage and started really getting into the song, taking a chair and pretending the chair was a hot guy. I put my legs seductively over the chair and sung to him as if it were Ian Somerhalder.

A loud thunderous clap sounded behind me as the song went off. I could feel my face turning beet red especially when a familiar male voice behind me said, “Is that you from the mall?”

I turned around to see the same designer shades and nicely shaved stubble on the guy from the mall. He looked a bit different without his cap. His hair was shaggy but it seemed to fit him and he had on dark clothes, which also seemed to fit him.

“How much did you see?” I asked him.

He chuckled, “Enough for you to be glad that I am not your sworn enemy. You could get some serious blackmail for moves like that.”

He walked closer to me as I folded up my arms. “So I’m not the best dancer, whatev. Are you as illiterate as you are asinine? The sign says closed,” I said pointing to the closed sign I had just put up. I thought I had locked the door but I guess not.

“I know but I saw you in the window and I couldn’t resist bursting your cute little bubble,” he teased.

“Okay well now that you’ve burst it, you can leave,” I said pointing towards the door.

Out of nowhere he says, “You have a great voice.” Which for a moment had me feeling a bit softer towards him but I shook it off.

I couldn’t tell what kind of guy he was behind those shades but I could only guess especially since they were designer shades. I only knew this because Lizzie had the exact same pair at home and they had cost her a fortune. For all I knew, he could be a world-class douche.

So I just replied with, “Thanks now bye.”

“But not as great as mine,” he said rushing up to the stage and grabbing the mic. that I had dropped to the ground.

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