chapter 3:

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(A/N): In Be Mine Tonight, I bounced around from the POV's alot. It will happen in this story but not as often :) ok back to the story

Recognition is a funny thing.

There many times when I walk past a person and my body reacts as if I've seen them before. Happens to alot of people. You think you recognize someone and you banter in your own head on how do you know them.

It was happening to me, seeing the man, Cruz, standing before me. He had dark hair and hazel colored eyes. I could tell he was a vampire. The fangs were kind of a dead giveaway.

"Hello Ivan," Cruz said to me.

I scrunched up my eyebrows. "My name is not Ivan. It's Alec," I told him matter-of-factly.

His face clouded with confusion before it was wiped away as quickly as it was there. "My apologies. I was confusing you for someone else. Nevertheless, it's nice to meet you... despite the circumstances."

Now it was my turn to scrunch up my face in confusion. "What circumstances?" I asked, mainly directed towards my father.

My dad got up from his chair and walked to the fire mantel. He got a glass cup and filled it with some of his Bourbon. He drank it in one cup and put his glass down. His study was his home away from home. He held many important meetings here. It was his safe haven, in some sorts.

"Earlier today, your uncle Miles was found dead by the docks. Animal attack."

I was speechless. My uncle Miles was a fisherman but in secret he was a well respected man in our hunter community. He was my father's right hand man. When I was little, my father used to be away a lot. My uncle Miles was always there to keep me company. In a way he was kind of like my father too.

"He's dead?" I whispered. But I already knew the answer.

My dad reached for his glass and filled it again.

I looked up at him. "Dad, earlier today we found wolves eating off from two of our Hunters. I don't know who they are, I didn't get a look of their faces. But we killed one, injured another one, and we brought another one into the underground cells."

"Okay... We'll deal with him in the morning."

"The wolf we brought was a girl. She didn't partake in the killing, from what we saw, and we brought her here for a trial."

My dad nodded. "I see. Okay. Let me talk to Jefferson."

He was getting ready to walk out when I spoke up. "Dad?"

He turned around. "Yeah?"

"Could the wolves who we found also be the animal attack that killed Miles?"

He was silent for a moment. "There's a possibility for everything. Excuse me."

With that he left me in his study with the vampire. His phone went off and he immediately answered it. 

"Yes?" he answered.

A few seconds later, I heard him groan. "Maggie, what is going on with Samantha?"


The corner of my mouth tilted up in a small grin. I slipped put the door and left the vampire to his own problem. I had a few of my own. No doubt I would be criticized for bringing the wolf to our compound. Also Jenn would be mad at me for not killing the She-wolf. But at this point, I'm used to her getting mad at me. It's been our little routine since the day we met. I would do something stupid, and she would get mad at me, and in the end we would be friends again. 

I walked out the backdoor into the evening crisp air. The sun was dipping low behind the mountains, casting an orange hue in the sky. The woods were alive with activity. The cicadas were doing their nightly song, and vaguely you could hear owls hooting.

"Alec! Alec, come here! ALEC YOU DUMB FUCK I"M OVER HERE!"

I jumped at the sudden voive that was calling my name. I walked towards the woods where the voice was coming from. I grabbed the handle of my blade from the inside pocket of my jacket. I unsheathed it and pointed it at the shadowed figure.

"Who are you and why are you calling me?" I asked, no, more like demanding

The figure walked forward and took off her hood.

"My name is Samantha Vega. I need you to come with me. The Queen is dying and she has requested to meet with you."



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