chapter 7:

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~ Alec ~

I hesitated.

I don't know why, but my fist froze inches away from the door. I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves. Samantha brought me to this; this meeting that their Queen ordered. Theirs. I could just walk away right now. She's not my Queen. I don't take orders from her. I could be focusing on Graduating, telling my parents about my plans for my future.

I scoffed to myself. Like my parents would agree with my plans. Since I could remember, they've been imprinting in my mind what my future would be. Train, teach the training, take the role of being Head Hunter, and have a family. 

The main role: be the Head Hunter.

My father has been grilling me on how important the Head Hunter is. He oversees all the training and is in charge of every Hunter. And I was next in line, since Savannah couldn't be Head Hunter. She's going to be in charge of her own unit in Europe. In fact, she leaves after my Graduation party.

I knocked on the door once.

The door was immediately swung open and I was pulled inside. I came face to face with a man. His dark hair was disheveled and standing up in odd places. He had massive bags underneath his dark eyes. He was tall, towering above me by a foot. He stuck a pale hand out towards me. 

"Richard Frank. Personal butler to Her Majesty The Queen. What business do you have here?"

There was cough from the grand bed. "It's okay Richard. Come here, boy."

The room was enormous. The floors were oak and polished to perfection. In between the bed and the doors was a white Persian rug. Above that was a chandelier. On the bed laid The Queen. Her hair was blonde, but graying at the seems. Her skin was a ghastly gray color. She stuck her hand out and grabbed mine.

"My dear boy. We don't have much time. We don't know how much longer I'll live. I've summoned you here because I need your help. I've seen the results of your hunter training. Your the best we've had in over 100 years. Also, your blood is unique. Vital in our world. Your blood heals all."

She began to have a coughing fit. If my blood supposedly heals all, can't I use it to heal her?

"But don't get any ideas. Don't waste your blood on me. Use it for our redemption." She began to cough some more.

"My kingdom, we made horrible decisions. We need to fix amends. But to do that, I need your help. My sister... My sister is back. And she is hungry for vengeance. I thoguht she was gone, after the Dark Day. But she is back and I can't stop her."

I watched as she lifted a weak and shaking arm to cover her mouth, to stifle her sob.

"She is going to kill us all. But you, you, can stop her. FInd the three Artifacts, mix the blood of the anguished and the leader, and end this madness. Good luck.... My son."

Her eyes rolled back and I saw her body go limp. Her hand slowly fell from my grasp.

And I was escorted away from the room.


~ Perla ~

Something wasn't right.

I felt it. As part of my training, I can sense brain waves. And Cruz's wasn't the same. Something was off... something was missing...

My eyes snapped open. I pushed him off of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

I can't believe I didn't notice it before. I should've known it wasn't him.

I watched as he smiled and then...

His face began to morph. And to my horror, it morphed into a face I never thoguht I'd see again.

John Daniels.

The man who killed my parents, the man who killed innocent lives, the man who tore my family apart.

The man who killed my mate.

Anger should've been in me. But I felt fear. Anguish. And desperation. Because if he's back, then there is no doubt Lilith is back.

"Hello my sweet. It's so nice to see you again."

I yelled and pushed him backwards. He flew backwards, cracking his skull against the wall. He slumped to the floor, a trail of black blood following him as he fell.

I turned around and ran.

'You can't hide forever! You can't beat us this time! We have the Prophecy to back us up!"

I froze. The Prophecy.

The Prophecy for telling the destruction of this world. And the person who will cause the destruction.

My brother.


~ Samantha ~

He was the one.

The one who was capable of destroying our world-my world. And he was currently meeting the Queen. The question that remained was if he could be trusted.

I dealt with enough betrayal to last me a lifetime.

I walked into my room and threw my coat on the computer chair. I reached into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of blood. I grabbed a portable vodka bottle and poured it into my bottle.

There was a knock on my door.

I opened it and someone fell into my room, naked and bloody.

Vampire attack.



Not the best chapter :( but i haven't updated and the original copy of this chapter sucked. But hope I made up for it XD

AAAAAAND the main plot was revealed. Sort of. Kind of. Not really. Oh wale BYYE

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