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Maidel woke up to the sound of machines beeping beside her. She slowly fluttered her eyes open, trying to figure out where she was. She looked all around her and noticed she was in the hospital. She grabbed her head. Man did she have a killer headache. She seen a familiar face outside the door waiting to come in. Justin.

Maidel sat up in her bed and took some pain medication that the doctor laid out. She drank the water that was beside it. Justin seen her awake so he came in with his hands in his pockets and his head down. "Danny and Damon told me what happened." He said, starting to tear up. "I didn't mean for me to make you do this Maidel. Nathan told me about you and him. But he also told me he slapped you." Maidel covered her face where Nathan put his hand on her. Tears were streaming down her face.

Justin walks over to Maidel. He grabs her hands and looks her dead in the eyes. "I am not mad at you. I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to have a love story Maidel." She started to smile. "Me and Nathan were a big mistake. And I don't love him anymore. I love you and only you Justin Drew Blake." She leans up and kisses him. Then it was like time froze. They both pull back and smile. "I missed you so much. I'm glad we aren't fighting anymore. But I would fight for you any day baby girl. Your my one and only." Justin's words made Maidel so happy. She was never going to loose him again.

Justin looks over at Maidel's wrists. He reaches over and picks them up. He kisses the marks she left on her canvas. Then he whispers "Never again." They were interrupted by a knock at the door. There stood Danny and Damon. Behind them, was Nathan. He didn't say a word and he held his head down.

Danny leans down and whispers to him "Remember what I told you. And you get 10 minutes then your done. Got me?" Nathan nodded like he was scared of Danny or something. Maidel thought it was funny how he was so scared of Danny. She tried not to smile. Danny sat him down in a chair, away from Maidel's reach. Justin sat next to her on the bed holding her hand.

Nathan finally spoke. "I'm sorry for what I said. And did...I didn't mean for me to hurt you. I am really sorry if I scared you or your scared of me now." He kept his head down. Maidel laughed. "Nathan, I'm not scared of you. I never will be you prick. This made me stronger than ever before. I don't love you anymore. Now get out of my sight. I'm done talking to you right now. I need to spend time with the people I actually love. " Nathan gets up and quickly shuffles out the door.

Danny tries to walk out but Damon grabs his shirt and pulls him back. "We're sorry Maidel. Danny didn't mean to get all worked up and scream at you. He was just angry and thought it would have been the best thing to do. But your sorry right Danny?" Damon looks at Danny with a stern look. "Yes I am sorry. I didn't mean yo make you do this to your self. I feel like this is my fault. You being in here. I was suppose to protect you. I promised you. And I broke that promise." Maidel looked at him and smiled. She grabbed his hand. "Hey its okay. I'm fine and that is all that matters. I have all of you by my side. You 3 mean the freaking world to me and I don't ever want to loose any of you." They all hugged.

There was another knock on the door and it was Maidel's parents. Her mom walks up to her bed and touches her cheek. "How are you feeling sweetie? You scared us. Last night. We thought we lost you." She squeezes her moms and dads hands. "You will never loose me." She looks at everyone. "I have everyone I need right here, in this room." They all smile.


Thanks for reading the fourth chapter of Never stop!! I can't believe it has almost 200 views! You all are absolutely amazing! Comment what you think should happen next!

Thanks babes <3

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