Your back?

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After sitting on the couch together, Maidel felt Justin's gaze on her and Damon. She got up and walked upstairs to get her stuff unpacked. She was putting her clothes in the drawers when she seen a figure standing by the door. "What Justin? I seen you keep looking at me and Damon. What do you want?" He looked at his feet. "I don't like you being with Damon." Maidel let out a laugh. "And since when can you tell me what to do? You're the one that cheated on me remember? We're not together Justin. But i do like him. We are taking things slow. But that's none of your business. Now if you don't mind, I'm about to get a shower." She walked past Justin and went to the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

Damon ran upstairs and looked at Justin with a puzzled look. "What happened? She okay?" Justin gave him a hateful look and stormed off into his room, slamming the door in Damon's face. He walked back downstairs to see Danny watching High school musical. He plopped next to him. "Can i ask you something Danny?" He nodded. "I like Maidel, a lot." Danny chuckles. "Yeah i can tell. I think she feels the same way about you. So there isn't anything to worry about, right?" Damon runs his hands through his hair. "I just hate what all of this is doing to me and Justin. It's tearing us apart. We promised we wouldn't do this to each other." He looks at his hands. He speaks softly. "What if he never forgives me Danny?" He looks at his brother was hurt in his eyes. Danny sits up and faces him. "Look Damon. Justin is our brother. We both know how is he when he is mad. He will be fine in a few days. But then again, he does love Maidel. And i know you do too. I love her too. And we would never want anything bad to happen to her. But let's face it, i know you also have feelings for Nayeli. You have to tell Maidel, Damon."

Maidel walks out of the bathroom and starts to head downstairs until she hears Damon and Danny talking. "I like Maidel and i want to keep her happy. She doesn't need to know yet. I don't want her to have to go through even more stuff than she already is." She hears Damon say. "But i-" She cuts Danny off. "Man I'm starving. Who wants pizza?" She looks at the two boys, totally ignoring the conversation they were just having. Damon shrugs. "Sure. Danny?" He nods in agreement. "Awesome. So who wants to drive?" Maidel asks. There was a silence. "Ugh. Justin is the only one with a license. I will be right back."

She walks upstairs to get Justin. She knocks on his door but he is playing loud music so she slowly opens the door. He is standing at his window, taking pictures. He sees her standing at the door. "What do you want." He snaps. She looks at her feet. "Me and the guys were wondering if you wanted to get pizza?" He shrugs. "I guess. Let me get my keys." He grabs a snapback and puts it on. "Wanna go?" He asks, not looking at her. "You want me to?" He shrugs again. "Yeah sure. I will pay since it was my idea." They walk downstairs and Justin walks out the door. "Hey guys, were going to get the pizza. " Maidel tells the boys. Damon grabs her hand. He looks at her with concern. "It will be fine. I will be fine." She squeezes his hand. "Be back soon." She walks out the door to the car where Justin is waiting.

They drive to their go to pizza place, Black Sheep. They order 1 large pepperoni pizza and a order of bread sticks. Maidel pays the lady at the register and Justin grabs the food. On the way back to the car Justin finally speaks. "I could have paid for that. You didn't have to. It's your money." They hop in the car. "Well i wanted to. I am the guest and besides. You all do stuff for me all the time. Might as well buy you pizza." She smiles. Justin grabs the back of his neck. "Uh, sorry for what happened. Back there at the house. I was angry and in shock that you were there and seeing you and Damon together, it just-" Maidel grabs his hand. "Look. It's fine okay? Me and you are still really close. And I'm not the one you should say sorry to. I think you should talk to Damon." He rolls his eyes. "Ugh fine. Only because he is my brother. And i couldn't stand for him to be mad at me." She smiles at him. "Okay now enough of this, lets go home so we can devour this pizza. I'm starving!" He laughs at her. The car ride consisted of the two yelling song lyrics the whole way home.

They pulled in the driveway and went inside. "Pizza is here!" Maidel screams. The other boys walk into the kitchen. "Mmmm. Smells good." Danny says grabbing plates. Damon sees Justin and immediately drops his head. Justin walks up to him. "Can we talk?" Damon looks at Maidel. She nods. Damon mumbles "I guess." Then the two boys head upstairs. Danny and Maidel grab some food and go and sit in the living room and watch Lilo and stitch. After about 20 minutes they hear screaming and yelling coming from upstairs. Maidel shot a look at Danny and they both take off to see what's going on.

They open Justin's door and see Damon pinned against the wall by Justin. "How could you do this to me?" He screams at Damon. "I love her!" Justin's face was blood red. She looks at Damon. "I DO TOO!!" He snaps at his brother. Justin takes his fist and punches Damon in the nose. His nose instantly gushing with blood. Danny runs and grabs Justin and they start yelling at each other. Maidel takes off downstairs and runs out the door, tears streaming down her face.

She didn't know where she was going but she just kept running, farther away from the house. She runs into the woods and doesn't stop. There was a waterfall near by and she sits on a big rock that is at the edge. She sits and tries to think about all her thoughts in silence until she hears footsteps behind her. She snaps her head around to see a familiar figure standing behind her. "Na...Nathan? Your back? What are you doing here? I thought you moved?" Maidel stands up, shaking and tries to keep her self calm. "I moved back in with my dad. My mom kicked me out. Didn't you miss me?" He says with a smirk. Maidel looks at his hand and sees a gun. She looks back up at him and starts to slowly back away. "I...uh...have to go." She chokes. "Oh come on Maidel." He steps towards her. The smirk still on his face. "Let's play a game. I call it who can find Maidel first? Damon? Or Justin?" He chuckles. "Someone hel-" Maidel is cut off by a giant pair of hands around her throat. She reaches up to get his hands off. Then, everything goes black.


Hi guys! Sooooo Nathan is back! Who do you think saves Maidel?? Damon? Or Justin? Comment and tell me what you thought of the chapter!

Sorry i haven't been updating like i said i said i would. I have been dealing with family problems and i will try to update again this week! Thank you all so much for reading my story and it's gotten over to 1,000 views! I can't even thank you all enough. Also if you have any ideas or maybe wanna be in the story, feel free to message me!

Thanks babes and don't forget to stay strong! I love you all <3

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