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  I've wanted to post this for a long time..
So my username used to be @Depressed_girl55 and I want to clear something up, I am not REALLY depressed but when I'm sad...I'm really sad and sometimes it comes to the point where I don't want to live anymore..
During the time when my @ was what it was a lot of people with real depression followed me and I want to tell all of you guys who are depressed or just sad and having a hard time in general, that it doesn't really get better, you just learn to deal wit bad things. My life has been true hell for about 3-4 years now, from being bullied and used many times, to getting sexually harnessed by my moms bf and my mom leaving for another country for work with her bf. And trough out all of this I have never cut a single time. And I'm happy bc now I have friends that I know I can trust...I'd come here for a distraction and now...I hope I can be someone else's distraction or even help. If you have problems, of ANY kind, please message me, bc I have experienced it all, mental illness (my best friend has it), family problems, friendship problems, eating disorders, relationship problems (even though I never actually had a bf), problems with yourself even, don't be shy,I'm always here for you. I know this will probobly be ignored, or just skimmed trough and scrolled past, but just know I'm ALWAYS here to help with anything. Stay strong, I love you and I'm here for you <3   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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