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(part 11)

"i know everything " yongguk said..

you look at his face,blankly...

"know what?"

"about himchan tell me a lie..
about the cat.." he said as he looking at the sky...


"and i accidentally heard about what both of you talk about in the room....
i think,
you should put a line from us..."
he added...

you turn to him,
facing him...

then yongguk standing on his feet,
coldly say...

"we doesn't owe each other,
so please stay in your line..
that's it..
stay off from us.."

and he walk away leaving you outside the house..
after giving you a warning ,
to stay off from them..
you let a deep sigh...

why you need to be so cold?

slowly you walk into yongguk house,
looking at their face one by one..
they look sad and hopeless...
so this is the end?
i couldn't help them to get back their old yongguk..

and yongguk had give me a warning...

you look at himchan face,
and put a smile on your face...

"so i guess it's the end...
thanks... "

then you take a step towards the door,
going home..
and not going here back...

"ahh and thanks for taking care for my cat and this warm party too..."
.you said as giving back of your body facing 6 of them..

you carefully open the door and walk out from yongguk house...

heading to your part time work..

bang yongguk:

when i walk into my house,
a feel knocking me...
it's feel like im in someone funeral...
so silent and gloomy...

i saw those maknae who's jumping around like insane people before was quietly sit on my black sofa...
with a disappointed face

and there's himchan,
staring at me while laid back of his body on the wall that have black and white painting on it...
his look that he gave me was like we have a big issue to talk with...

and daehyun focused on his food while youngjae keep asking him to stop eating for awhile...

slowly i put a step to my work table, and take my seat there...

looking at the clock on the wall...

it's 8:12pm

i let a deep sigh while im hearing someone walking in my living room...

it's yeun ah,

i turn my head facing her...
but yet she's not doing an eyes contact with me...

then i saw she smiling at himchan..
fake smile...

"so i guess it's the end...
thanks... "
yeun ah said

then she walk to the door,
as she opened the door she manage to say...

"ahh and thanks for taking care for my cat and this warm party too..."
but she said that while giving back of her body facing 6 us...

and bam,
she carefully closed the door....

right after she left,
i turn around...
looking at the dongsae...

they look upset,
and suddenly himchan spoke out...

"jongup and zelo..
you guys should go home "

both of them just nodding as taking up their stuff to bring with,
and walk out...

"bye hyung" they said

and left...

leaving 4 of us,
me,daehyun,youngjae and the mad himchan....

i know that himchan was pissed off with me,
maybe he know what i just said to yeun ah..

he know me well anyway...

himchan then take a seat at the same place that jongup and zelo sat on my black sofa...
with his arm slinging (?)

youngjae who saw the nerve wrecked moment quickly pull daehyun hand to leaving my house,
they pick up their thing and excuse themselves to go home...
and they left too..

i sigh,
and i stand on my feet trying to run from mad himchan into my room...


"yongguk, we need to talk"

it's had been awhile since i saw himchan act like in this situation,
with his strong tone...

so i canceled my intention to get inside my room,
and walk to himchan then take a seat besides him...

"it's about yeun ah"
he said...

i let a soft sigh,

"you shouldnt do that...
don't you see how was her face look like after all you said to her at the balcony? "

i choose to keep quite,
let the mad himchan talking...

"the other and i hardly to dragged her into us...
then you ask her to leave?"

i look at his face,
he know me well...

"so it's true you ask her to leave...
are you stupid or what?!"

im stupid?
im doing all this with a reason!
there's the reason!

i stand up,
i thought he know me really well...
so i said,

do you ever see how danger the life of the one who we adore so much before?
did you remember her?
you want a same fate happen to yeun ah?"

he smirk,
he freaking just smirk...

"after all happen to jongup and zelo...
and the death of yongshin...
i should protect all you after the mess that i had made up and make all of you in this situation...
i don't want to harm anyone again..including yeun ah.."

"you love yeun ah,..
you love her yongguk...
don't deny that"

himchan said as he standing up and put his hand on my shoulder...

"you can protect yeun ah,
yongshin death is an incident..
that causes from our mistake...
don't put the blame on yourself,
it's been a few years yongguk..."

"it's my mistake " i said...

"it's OUR past mistake...
it's OUR...not only you....
you can protect yeun ah...
you can do it better than me..."

himchan said then he leaving me at the living room..
get inside his room..

part 11 ended
author: bee


so please keep reading because this fanfic getting complicated bhhahaahahaahahhahahhahaaha..
thanks to my beloved reader and thanks for the amazing vote!!
you guys is superb!!!!
and,i was wondering who's my reader except for Capa88YG and idfcare_ bhhahaahhahhahah...
please leave comments, so ill know who's my precious reader ~~~
love you all ❤❤

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