Chapter 4 // Let Me Think About It?

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*Cam's POV*

I woke up and Nash wasn't with me anymore.

'Surprise bitch' I heard coming from the TV. Madison just came back to life and surprised the supreme.

"Nash?" I shouted, but no respond. I decided to go to my room to see if he was sleeping or something. My bathroom lights were on, but the door was locked. "Nash? Are you in here?" I questioned, jiggling the door knob.

"Yea, I'm here" he responded. I heard him crying, so I unlocked the door to a sight that killed me inside.

"Why?" I stood in shock. "Nash, why would you do this" I asked, tearing up. His wrists were covered in blood. His eye puffy and red, he looked tired.

"It's too much pain Cam. I don't know what else to do." He said, beginning to cry again.

"Don't worry Nash, I'm here for you." I cleaned the cuts and put bandages over them. "You don't have to do this Nash, I know its hard but its get better. I promise." I told him.

"Cam, I love you" he blurted out.

"I love you too Nash." I said reassuring him. I know he knows already but I just needed to make sure he knows that I love him and I will always be with him no matter what situation and I just need to get my point across.

"No Cam, more then a best friend, I have a huge crush on you. I just can't keep it in anymore I needed you to know." He told me, I didn't know how to respond. I don't like guys, i'm not gay. All I could think of where things that reassured me that I wasn't gay. I couldn't deal with this, I just couldn't. What was I supposed to do. Tell him yes Nash lets go out and show the entire world. But I can't because I don't love him like that, at least I don't think I do. I need time to think.

I couldn't speak. So I ran.


What the hell Cameron. Why did you just run from your best friend in such a horrible time. Why Nash, why did you have to say you like me. I love you a lot, but not more then a best friend. I can't go out with a guy. What would that do to my reputation. It would destroy me. We were close but that's cause we are best friends. How did I not see this.

My phone has been ringing, and vibrating for the past hour. Its Nash texting me, and calling. Leaving me texts, saying how he is sorry, and he is worried. I clicked the green button when he called again

"Leave me alone Nash" I blatantly told him, hanging up the phone. I can't deal with this right now. So I did the one thing that would solve not having to deal with any of this. I took my phone out, and called my ex.

"Hey babe" I told her, when she picked up. "I have a little problem and you are the only one that can take care of it right now" I said seductively.

"Oh really?" She asked "and what is that baby?" she teased.

"You know, the thing that makes you moan daddy." I whispered.

"Mmm, okay babe. Come to my house." and with that I hung the phone up and went to her house.


"Fuck!" I moaned out, finishing what I had started and sat next to my ex. That was amazing, but I couldn't get Nash out of my mind. All I wan't to do is be with him, who cares if he loves me like that, we can make this friendship work. Fuck, I don't know anymore all I can think about was Nash. Do I love him like that too? I can't I have never had thoughts of him, or his sexy body, and nice ass, and beautiful smile. What the fuck Cameron. What did you do, you just ruined the best friendship you ever had. Oh god, what did I do.

"I got to go, this was a mistake." I said while putting my clothes back on and bolting out of her house. I took my phone out and began texting and calling Nash like no tomorrow. Please pick up, please pick up. Nothing

I called Hayes. "Hey Hayes, have you heard anything from your brother?" I asked worried.

"No, I thought he was with you?" He questioned me.

"Yea he is, bye." That was stupid and a waste of my time.

Fuck Nash where can you be. I drove back to my house to search for him.

Nash I will find you.

I finally arrived home , bursting through the front door. "Nash!" I yelled, nothing. I ran up to my room and no one was in the house. I called him again, nothing. I texted him

To: Nash

Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to run like that, I didn't know what to say. I was scared, it shocked me. I wasn't expecting that and I had no idea on what to do in that situation, look I am sorry, but I am worried about you so please text me back.

I sent it.

Continuing my search. I went to the park we used to go to all the time. When we were little we would ride our bikes to the park and spend the whole day doing stupid things. Running around, playing on the monkey bars, sliding down the slide. Then it hit me, why haven't I thought of this before.

I ran to my backyard, and jumped the fence. When Nash and I were younger we found this, underground bunker. We would always go to it, if we had to talk about something, or something important came up. It was our little oasis, away from everything and anyone. So I ran to our secret bunker, my last chance of finding my best friend.

When I arrived to the bunker it was closed, we always told each other that when it was closed it means one of us was in it, but if it was open no one was in. So Nash had to be in our bunker. I ran up to the door, lifting it up. I went down the steps a bit and shut the door and locked it behind me.

I walked in to the main part of the bunker. Seeing Nash, laying on the floor looking up into the giant class ceiling.

"I'm sorry" I said while running towards Nash. I went down and wrapped myself around him. I began to cry. "Look I'm sorry Nash, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just scared I didn't know what to say or anything." I admitted to him wiping the tears away.

He just looked at me, his heart shattered.

"I know you said you love me more than a best friend, but I'm not sure yet Nash" I told him.

Disappointment spread across his face.

I kissed his forehead. "I just need time to think okay? Its a big change and I just don't know yet. I went to my ex, and I had sex with her, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. I'm just confused right now okay? No ones ever made me feel like you do, when I'm not with you I miss you like crazy and always think of you, when I see you with other people I get super jealous, and I need to figure it out." I continued.

I grabbed his hand and put my hand on his chin and brought his face up to level with mine. He looked at me and smilied a bit.

"Let me think about it?" I smiled a little.


A/N: OMG okay, I had to do this because... I wanted to ahha, oh gosh okay bye.

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