Chapter 6 // What's Going On Here?

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*Nash's POV*

I woke up to Cam snuggled up behind me, with his arms wrapped around me. Oh how I love you Cameron. I love you to the moon and back. I can't believe we are actually going to try to be a couple. Its insane, never in my life, did I think that Cameron Dallas would be my boyfriend. But its actually happening. Its just so shocking that he said yes. I turned around so I was facing him. 

"Good Morning baby" I said, smiling. This is amazing, I get to call Cam my baby. He starts to shuffle a little bit until his eyes flutter open. 

"Good morning to you too" He responds, with his raspy morning voice. Which makes me feel some type of way. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "How did you sleep?" He asked, looking deep into my eyes. 

"Pretty good, but only after you decided you couldn't sleep without me and joined me in bed." I admitted to him, kind of teasing him. My phone vibrated, signaling that the world is up, and it's time for us to get up as well. I turned to look at what it was and it was my friend Shawn.

"It's Shawn, should I answer?" I asked Cam, unsure what Shawn was calling for.

He thought for a few seconds.

"Yea, answer it, lets see what he wants"

"Hey Shawn" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey Nash, where have you been? And do you know where Cam is? Everyone is worried." Wow, its only been two days. I thought that wasn't a long time. I put the phone on mute. "Should I tell him we have been together for the past two days?" I looked at Cam, not sure if he was ready for anyone to know that we were together. Especially now since we are together as a couple. 

"Um, sure. Just don't tell them we are a couple, we have to tell people in person." Cam responded to me.

"Alright" I unmute the phone, "Hey man don't worry Cameron and I have been together at his house. It's just been us." I told Shawn, but I was dying to tell him what happened during the last two days.

"Okay, we all just been worried. By the way, Taylor and I are hanging out today. He told me to invite you and Cam." I think I can go for a day with some friends.

"Sure, we are gonna eat and get ready, and then we will head over." I told him, sitting up in bed.

"Alright! See you guys then" He sounded excited. I heard the line close so I put my phone back to charge to make sure it was full for the day.

"Shower or bathtub?" I asked him which one he wanted to use. I would ask which one we should get into together, but like he said. Baby steps. These baby steps are going to kill me slowly.

"Which ever, I don't mind, you pick the one you prefer and I'll use the other." He responded, getting  up from the bed. "So which one you picking?" He laughed

"I want, bathtub!" I yelled, getting up and running to the bathroom. Cam saw me running so he ran after me. I don't know why, maybe just trying to be cute. I kept running, down the hall into his room. I tried to close the door on him but he just pushed it back, and kept running. When I got into the bathroom I was able to close the door and lock it.

"Let me in!" He yelled, both of us laughing like crazy.

"What if I don't?" I asked, playing around still laughing.

"Then i'll unlock it!" He responded.

"So do it!" I told him. I started to get undressed, and by the time I was in my underwear he opened the door. 

"Told you I would unlock it." He smiled. He looked me up and down. "I for one, am happy that I get to call that body mine." He said smiling. 

"Yea yea yea, i'm the greatest I know." I joked about it. "Alright i'm taking a bath now." I told him, turning away from him and sliding down my underwear. I teased him a little and shook my ass. 

"Stop that! We have to get ready!" He told me, smacking my ass. I played along and said ow, but deep down I wanted him to smack it a bit more. Whoops.

He continued to get into the shower, while I got into the bathtub.

We talked for a little, and then we got out, and got dress, and left.


We got to Shawn's house relatively fast seeing that we were messing around and showering. We got out the car and walked to the front door, and knocked. 

A few minutes passed, knocked again. Nothing

So we shook the doorknob and it was open. We walked in slowly, not seeing anyone in sight. The strange thing is that, Taylor and Shawn's cars were parked in the driveway. 

We looked around and found no-one, so we decided to go upstairs. 

We went up the stairs and towards Shawn's room. I opened the door.

"HOLY FUCK!" I screamed, and covered my eyes. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, I AM SOO SORRY" I slammed the door shut and ran downstairs. Cam was following me.

"Oh my god, Cam they were fucking" I whispered. "I literally saw Taylor ramming into Shawn, OH MY GOD. This is gonna be stuck in my head forever. 

"They were not" Cam was surprised. "Maybe he was helping him get something?" He questioned

"Cameron I'm not an idiot, I SAW TAYLOR'S DICK SLIDING IN AND OUT OF SHAWN" I said, whispering loudly.

Cam started to laugh. I joined in

"Oh my god! They were fucking I can't!" I was basically crying of laughter.

Taylor and Shawn walked down the stairs together, looking very embarrassed. 

I couldn't believe it, Shawn and Taylor. Are they together? Like I am just utterly shocked.

I looked at  Cam for a bit, then Taylor and Shawn as they sat down, looking down to the floor. To shy to look at us for what we just witnessed.

"What's going on here?" Cam asked.



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