The Nightmares (Previously Darkest Nights)

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A dark and stormy Night. I was running through the alleyways trying to escape what every was behind me. I took a left and ran into a dead-end, then it slowly crept closer until is let out the most sinister laugh. Before I could scream I woke up in a cold sweat. "Damn it, Why do I keep having this dream", I said to myself. I though that it might have been the stress of moving, or the job I just got, or my Wife that died in a car crash. After I ate my breakfast and drove to and from work, I got a splitting headache so I asked to go home early. I headed home and went straight to bed.

The dream happened again, But I noticed something new about it. It had a female's body. After I woke up from another cold sweat I started to eat but could only stomach 3 bites before I threw up. I tried to call in sick but I couldn't get a hold of the office. So I went in anyways, the memories of working are so faint that I can even remember why I went home that day but I know I did. When I got home I was so scared that I didn't even fall asleep that day.

The next morning I went to eat some eggs and couldn't even take a bite before I threw up again. I called work and told them that I was most definitely sick and they agreed to let me stay home. I went to bed very early that night and had my reoccurring dream again and noticed her face and woke up instantly. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!", I screamed. Then I noticed that my wife's picture which was in the attic was on my dresser. I grabbed the photo and threw it at the wall out of fear and confusion.

I woke up the next morning drenched in sweat and picked up a photo, Not of my wife but of my mom, off the floor and cleaned up the glass. I was to emotionally drained to eat anything. I moaned through work and then started to head home when my car broke down, I headed towards the gas station when I saw a black silhouette and darted into an alleyway and took a left into a dead-end. As the silhouette approached I started to have a panic attack, and when it laughed I blacked out. I woke up in the hospital a week later and the doctors told me I had a stressed induced coma. I still don't believe them, I know what happened. The silhouette...... was my Wife on the darkest night.

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