54. Our Hearts Are Glassware

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You tell me that you love me but you never wanna see me again.
-Unkle Bob, Swans


I want it.

I want it all.

I want you to wreck me and then put me back together. I want you to hold me and smile at me - only me with the love in your eyes. I want to be the one to keep you protected when threat comes by and I want to look into your soul and share that spirit that you have. Even when it's dark I'll turn to you, even if it's raining I'll keep you sheltered. Even if there are a thousand nails on the bed I lie I'll stay there because that's what I need to live - even with that pain I'll live because I need you. I want to fight with you and toss you aside when you get rude and come back and make love to you to forget all that we fought over. I want to have a bad day at work and come loose myself in you because you're my solace. I want to lie back on the grass and watch the clouds with you. I want to go places with you and discover your favourite spot.

I may not be able to give you anything else but I promise you I will give you all that I am and that I have. Never needed anyone or anything in my life like I need you. I don't have anything to my name but I'll give you myself. All that is of me I will give to you. There's nothing more that I want but to see a thousand other tomorrows with you beside me.

I need you so dearly that it hurts. I've never imagined a glorious and happy life until you walked in and wrecked what I thought was my life. I was just a walking, functioning shell and then you taught me that there were things bigger than possession. You taught me love. You taught me happiness. You taught me sadness. You taught me pain and pleasure. You taught me life.

I didn't think I wanted anything more than to be on top of the world but I know I do. Now I know I want you and nothing else compares.

I want you to be my everything. In fact, you are my everything. I love you too damn much.

The tears seeped from the corners of my eyes and every gaze in the room was fixed on me. And my eyes - my eyes were only for that one person who I needed. Who made the present bearable and my future beautiful.

If only that person didn't stand in front of me with regretful tears streaming down and a curt, clear reply.

A simple shake of the head.


Everything that I had within me shattered. My heart splintered and I felt the gash that grew larger with every tear that rolled down her cheek. If I had tears left in my body after what Nicholas made me I felt them climb into eyes. Warm, foreign trickles spread from the dark shadows that were below my eyes to the hollows of my cheeks. She didn't want me. And I loved her with all that I had in me. Every fibre in my fùcked body belonged to her. How could I show it to her?

Even my tears that streamed like blood down my face didn't do it, she didn't love me and it was tearing me from the inside. The fissure in my chest cavity spread wider because I couldn't pull my eyes away from her.

Evan was standing there with her and his hand was banded around her wrist and I could see the ugly mark he would leave on her flawless skin. His eyes were emotionless and his smile spoke the world.

She was my woman and she didn't belong to me. I knew she loved me, she had to. There was no doubt in my heart but losing her, losing her would kill me. The fissure it would grow until it spread from the vessels of my heart to my diaphragm until my stomach could feel that agony that my heart was feeling.

Right Imperfections |✔ [Book 1 of Runaway Bride Series]Where stories live. Discover now