The weeks passed smoothly. Dad's job ended ( unsuccessfully may I add, he never found his client ) and, after seven school days, Dylan was permitted to return to school.
Dumb school board. Let's blame the good guy and further disrupt his education by suspending him from school. Josh didn't even get detention. I don't care what Dylan says, I'm still gonna kick his ass.
Ooh, I could feel my pulse raising. I don't even care that he was making crude comments, but no one, aside from myself of course, hurts my brother and gets away with it.
Remember, go for the groin and throat, and if you don't slash all four tires, insurance won't pay.
I'm pulled from my thoughts by my ringtone. Great song, we had watched the movie the first day of Latin. While inaccurate, it was still fairly entertaining. I sing along a bit before answering.
"Nothing that's grim. Nothing that's Greek. She plays Medea later this week- Hello?"
"Lily! Have you left yet?"
"No, not yet. I can't find my boots anywhere. I swear, Dylan likes to dress in drag or something." Not in the bathroom, not under the bed, not in the fridge- oh look grape juice. Focus! Not in the other bathroom.
"I guess I can always count on you to be running late. Do you think you could bring your brother's old Cambridge text? This is the third time since the term began that I've left mine at home...."
"And Brims will blow a gasket if you don't have the book," I finished." You know Net, I may always be late, but you are the single most forgetful person I have ever met. I'll bring it, if I can find it."
"It comes with age."
I laugh. "You're only a year older than me."
"Yes, and you'll see what I mean next year. Besides, it's part of my charm. Check the bottom drawer of his dresser. Bye!" I don't bother to reply.
Shaking my head, I stomp down the stairs, and head into Dylan's room. The first thing that hits me is the smell. Vanilla perfume. The second is the petite, definitely-not-mine, blazer draped over his bedpost. Looks like we'll be talking later.
True to Net's word, the textbook is in the bottom drawer of Dylan's dresser, buried under a couple of binders and his high school diploma. I grab my phone from my back pocket and hit redial.
"I was right, wasn't I?" I can practically hear the look on her face.
"Yes, you were right blah blah blah," I retort. "I swear, it's like your psychic."
"I like to think I'm descended from a long line of Egyptian priestesses."
"Uh-huh. Now, answer me this: Where are my boots?" I needed to have left five minutes ago. Brims is gonna be so grumpy. Poor guy. Between Net and I, it's a wonder he even comes to class anymore.
"Miss Borne, thank you for finally joining us. So, is there any explanation for your tardiness today?"
"Salvē. And yes sir I do." He waits patiently, looking slightly amused. "I could not find my shoes."
"Your shoes?" He briefly inspects my boots.
"Yes sir, my shoes. Would I be incorrect in assuming this complex has a 'no shoes, no shirt, no service' policy?"
"You would be correct, Miss Borne. Would I be incorrect in assuming you found said shoes?" He's playing along now. I don't usually like teachers, but for him, I think I'll make a exception.
"You, too, would be correct, Mr. Brims. Now, if I may take my seat."
"By all means, Miss Borne," he gestures towards my seat. "However, I am afraid that this time you must be punished for your tardiness. "
I drop the formalities and throw him a full blown pout. "B-b-but nnngh. Please? I wasn't even that late today."Fifteen minutes was much better than my typical thirty...
The game is over. "I'm sorry Ms. Borne. If it were up to me, I would let you off with a small essay. However, school policy has strict procedures when dealing with a chronically late students." He pauses. "Five days detention. An hour and a half after school," he says almost apologetically. I wouldn't even leave till 10 at night.
"But wha-"
"I coul-"
I nod my head in acceptance and walk towards the work area before whipping back around. "How about if I-"
"School policy," he dismisses me.
"Yes sir, mister sir." I about face and head to my seat, where Net waits with a smirk. I throw down my backpack and let out a long sigh.
"I liked the little salute." She begins rifling through my stuff, before pulling out the textbook. "I'm assuming I was right about your boots being under the couch. Mm, also, we got a new guy. I took the liberty of interviewing him for you. Transfer, from what I understand; nineteen, foreign, cute, and single."
I shoot her a look. "You didn't."
"I did." She pulls a bag of homemade toffee from her purse. "While you were out gallivanting, doing who knows what, I got to show hottie around. Lo and behold, I got to talking about my super great, super single friend."
"No," I whine.
"Yes, I even got around to showing him pictures of said friend. He seemed super interested though." She pouts when she sees the murderous glare I'm sending her. "Oh, don't be like that Lily. I have James and you have no one. I want to go on a double date. You're single, he's single, it's perfect."
"Perfect in the sense of not gonna happen," I reply, grabbing a handful of toffee and shoving it in my mouth.
"We'll see about that. Looks like boy is back from the bathroom. Hey!" I whip around to find myself nose to chest with a male. A very attractive male.
"Hey, I'm Drake."
"Heyr, I'rm Lilerth"
New character(s). Cute guy. Friend.
I keep thinking about the ultimate goal of the story and get so excited. I wish the words would pour directly from my head onto the page. I also wish I didn't have AP classes.
My first dedication goes to laughterandjynx. I just finished her book The Last Virgin Standing and was completely moved. One of the few reads to make me cry (and laugh) in quite a while, TLVS features an amazing plot and well written, well rounded characters. Absolutely amazing.
As always, feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading,

Breathe (On Hold Indefinitely)
ParanormalSo pretty much what the "On Hold Indefinitely" bit means is that occasionally I may update the story. If I do, it is not a promise to continue writing. I really can't work on the story consistently, as I write from my dreams. Thanks for understandin...