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Chapter 3


He finally succeeded on taking me out the car. He then went to his car, open the trunk and drop me in there. He close the trunk, I heard him chuckle. I felt the car moving. I started screaming " Someone help". I knew no one will hear me, so I stop. I then yelled "WHY ME?!!!!". And then I let the darkness take over.


When I was regaining consciousness I felt if I was in heaven. I felt as if I was in a really soft cloud laying down. But when I regain full consciousness, my back hurt like shit. I was in the cold floor.

'Shit!... why did I have to regain consciousness.' I thought. I tried standing up but fell down hitting the cold floor. After hitting the floor. I recall what happen that day.


Then I look at my feet and they were tied. I then look at my hands and they weren't tied. Wow, the person that kidnap me wasn't so bright. Anyways, I untied my feet, got up and started looking for the door. While looking around I noticed the room look like I was in a basement, so I realize that if I got out of the room and search for the door to the outside world I will be free yah!! I look around and found the door and got out. I was quietly looking for the door when I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"Where do you think your going, food". A male voice told me. I turn around and saw my kidnapper. I turned back around and started running for my life, but then I trip.

"Fuck". I said aloud.

Then I felt two ice cold hands grab my feet and start pulling me back were I was caught. I started screaming.

"Ahh let go of me" I yell.

"You can't run away from me". He said. He then carry me to a room, that look like a living room. He place me in the couch, and left. I was so shock that I couldn't move; I try but failed. He then came back with a glass water, and red substance. He gave me the glass of water and told me to drink. I didn't drink it. I thought it might have something, but then he grab the glass of water;and drank it.

"It doesn't have anything". He told me. Its like he read my mind. So I took the glass of water and drank.( If you guys ever get kidnap never eat or drink things they give you... Just saying) But I didn't know the water had drugs in it. I felt dizzy. I was about to faint, but before that I saw him smile. I saw something coming out of his mouth... Did I just see fangs? Then I lost consciousness once again.

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(A/N) Srry it's short. I so sorry:'( But I really want to thank the people for commenting, voting and fanning. I love you guys!



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