Chapter 3

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Your POV
I got to my dad's office early because I had nothing else to do for the rest of the day. I just sat in there on my phone while he was checking his emails. At exactly 5:00, a black haired, brown eyed man walked through the door with a couple of people behind him. "Ah, Mark! So good to see you again." My dad stood up and they shook hands. I stood up to and just waited there. "Mark, this is my daughter, (y/n). (Y/n) this is markiplier." We shook hands and then locked eyes. His brown eyes were absolutely gorgeous. "Pleasure." He said. All I could do was nod. "We're going to start voice recording today." My dad said and lead us into a room. The room had sound proofing foam on the walls and a microphone surrounded with noise cancellation board around it except for an entrance. An iPad holder stands in between the mic and the board. "Mark why don't we start with your part first." He pointed at the microphone. I sat down at one of the chairs in the corner and waited for him to start. He put on the head phones and started, "something here seems foul." His voice was amazing. So rich and deep. "Something here just reeks of blood and suffering." He continued. His voice flowed along so naturally and it sounded great. He would mess up a couple of times but he would make the most of it. When he finished it was my turn.

Mark's POV
I finished and it was her turn. She went to the microphone and started. "In all my dreams I see," her voice was angelic. I got lost in the words. "A maze of halls with bloody walls and countless scrawls reminding me, "it's me"" she continued. When she finished everyone started clapping. The cyndago guys and the random encounter guys were with me. She really was great. I was falling madly in love with her. This video is going to turn out great.

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