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"Sorry Jungkook, it's just that Jimin was being a little asshole and didn't want to help me."

"Okay then, call Yoongi and ask him instead." Jungkook suggested while rubbing the sore spot on his head.

I picked up my phone and dialed Yoongi's number, and grabbed an icepack for Jungkook while it rang.

"-Llo..." Yoongi grumbled into the phone, obviously being awoken from his afternoon nap.

"Hey, Yoongi, can you help me with something? It has to do with Seokjin."

Yoongi suddenly brightened up, and replied, "Oooooohh Seokjin. The little class president that's always glaring at you? You like him, if I remember correctly."

I groaned internally, suddenly remembering how Yoongi likes to make fun of anyone who has a crush-just to get back at us for making fun of him when he liked Jimin.

"Yes, I do like him. A lot. I need you to tell me how you finally got Jimin to go out with you."

Yoongi seemed deep in thought, and said, "All I had to do was look hot and touch him often until he asked me to be his boyfriend, but Seokjin seems to be really difficult to attract. I would suggest getting closer to him, finding places he likes to go to, 'accidentally' meet him there, and then you can ask him on a private date.
If he says yes, find a good place to go where you know you will be alone. You may need to ask him out a few times as friends until you are able to get him to fall in love with you. If he already loves you, it will be far easier."

This was a lot to take in, so I grabbed a notebook and had him repeat what he said, scribbling it down as fast as I could and finally replying, "Okay, thanks for your help! I'll certainly try it."

Yoongi chuckled into the phone, "I'm glad I could help. Bye." And hung up.

Suddenly, I felt a new rush of excitement. Could Yoongi have solved all my problems with his rambling? I really hope this will work, because if it doesn't, he's dead meat.

A few hours later, after Jungkook finally left,  I went back over the notes I had jotted down as Yoongi gave me his advice. It all made so much sense and was so obvious that I was surprised that I hadn't thought it up in the first place. My mind truly was a mysterious thing.
I closed my notebook and laid it down on the dresser beside my bed, standing up and walking into the bathroom to prepare to sleep.

As I lie in bed, trying to fall asleep, thoughts of Seokjin asking me to be his boyfriend filled my head, as well as visions of what would happen afterwards, all the cute cuddling and little fights and-most of all- boner-inducing nights that had me blushing like an Uke in a Yaoi. (Looking at you, Misaki)
Sometimes, I have to tell my own mind to be PG or else I'll be stuck with this one.

I'm On My Knees-Namjin (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now