Part 2: The Notebook

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                                       Gaia comes home finally after a long first day, happy to see her lovely mother on the couch watching TV. "How was your day sweetheart?" Asked her mum. "It was alright, I guess." Gaia answered. Marza comes bursting in the door saying, "Well MY day was AWESOME!!" "Well that is great honey." Gaia then went upstairs to her bedroom and set her stuff down on her floor. They were staying with their grandmother's house because they STILL couldn't move in after 2 months of waiting for the key and paper work. "Hey why are you putting your stuff on Y side of the bed?!" Asked Marza, with an attitude. "Well I am only gonna put it there for a second, OK?" Gaia had replied. "Well get it off there I am gonna need SOMEWHERE to sleep." What, are you going to bed right now?" Gaia had asked. "" "Well then you can- what the.." Gaia had trailed off. Out the window she had seen the same exact wolf creature that she had seen earlier that day. "What? What is it?" Marza had asked. Gaia walked closer to the window to get a better view of the amazing creature. "OOOHH!! IT'S A WOLF!! I AM GOING TO GO GET MUMMY AND LOUISE!" Yelled Marza. "Wait NO you'll scare her!" "How do you know it is a girl?" Gaia stood there confused. "Yeah how DID I know it was a girl?" She thought.  "Oh well, never mind." Marza dropped her stuff, and ran out of the two girls' bedroom. "Ugh. I hope that dog attacks her.."  Gaia had thought, really hoping it would. 

     As Gaia was reaching in the drawer for a shirt, she saw a notebook in it, with the words: "Magnuveus Alltrerus," in small letters on it. She then opened the notebook. On the first page it had said," WARNING: IF YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE DARK MAGIC AND DANGER FOLLOWING THIS BOOK, THEN I WOULD ADVISE YOU TO CLOSE THIS IMMEDIATELY." Of coarse, with out care, she read on to the next page. The next page was blank, and the next, and the next, and so forth. She didn't understand. She tried blowing off all the dust that had been on it off, and still. Nothing. Not.A.Thing. Gaia then put the notebook into her backpack, but then realized. She had a black light! Maybe the words were written in a special kind of ink, witch only people with a black light could read it! So she got her black light out of one of her boxes, and shone it on the first page. It had worked! The first page read: "Well. You have figured out how to read my book. I wish you didn't do that. Oh well. You WILL regret it..." She then turned the page with the black light still shinning on it. The book then starting going crazy and lighting up, the pages flipping. Then everything around her started to spin, almost like a tornado, then SHOOP!

                                                                    She was sucked into the book!

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